Page 49 - SST Class 06
P. 49
q The Brahman is Sat-Chit-Anand (Truth, philosophy which believes in self-restraint. It is
Consciousness and Bliss). based on the teachings of the Tirthankaras.
q The Atman (soul or self) is a part of the Vardhaman was born in 540 BC at Kundagram,
Brahman; it originates from Him and ends in near Vaishali (in Bihar). His mother, Trishla was a
Him. Lichchavis princess. Vardhaman belonged to a
royal family. He led an ordinary life up to the age
q The Atman thinks itself as distinct from
Brahman because of Maya (or illusion or of thirty years. He saw suffering around him, so he
ignorance). left home in search for truth, as he wanted to
know the true meaning of life. He wandered from
q The Atman takes birth as a result of the cycle place to place for 12 long years and attained
of birth-rebirth. Kaivalya (supreme knowledge) and thus came to
q The ultimate goal of life is Moksha be called Mahavira (or the great conqueror).
(emancipation), that is, it has to free itself from Mahavira travelled from place to place for the rest
the cycle of birth-rebirth and get blended with of his life, teaching the new faith. Jainism spread
the Brahman. over a large region, including Magadha, Anga,
q A person suffers out of ignorance. Mithila and Koshala. His followers are called
Jains .
q The Atman can become a part of the Brahman
by giving up all worldly desires and pleasures, We can see a large number of Jains in almost all
by following a righteous path and by purifying India, especially in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,
his mind. Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Odisha
etc. Newer excavations are taking place in which
The Upanishads continue to inspire Hinduism
evidences are being found which confirm that
even today. There have been a number of scholars Jainism existed in a larger area than it is believed
in the modern times who have dealt with this now. Its simple teachings and absence of high-low
philosophy. Some of them are—Ramakrishna
attracted a large number of followers.
Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Ramatirtha, Sri
Aurobindo, Dr. Radhakrishnan and so on. Later, Jainism branched out into two sects—
Shvetambaras and Digambaras . The former
Quiz Time comprised of those munis or saints who wore
Fill in the blanks : white clothes and the latter comprised of those
munis who wore nothing and possessed no cloth.
1. The ____________ is a part of the Brahman.
These sects continue to exist even today.
2. The Upanishads have laid down a number of
3. The ultimate goal of life is ____________.
4. The Vedas are the ____________ source of all
____________ in Hinduism.
5. ____________ is the most important philosophy
in the theist philosophies.
Lord Mahavira Jain Temple at Mount Abu
The proponent of Jainism was Rishabhdev. There The success of Jainism lies in its simple teachings.
is a tradition of twenty-four Tirthankaras in Its teachings are called Triratna (or three jewels),
Jainism. The last Tirthankara was Mahavira. The which are :
credit for giving Jainism a definite form goes to q Right faith
Vardhaman Mahavira. Jainism is a classical
Growth of New Ideas