Page 44 - SST Class 06
P. 44
most powerful was Magadha. The whole of Bihar Ajatashatru was regarded as the protector of the
came under the influence of Magadha which was Dharma, the Brahmins and the cows. He too ruled
primarily due to the able kings who ruled here. with the help of a council of advisors, but the
There were other causes too behind its supremacy. priests had a great influence on him.
Let us first study about its rulers.
It is not certain what religion both Bimbisara and
Bimbisara : Bimbisara was a contemporary of the Ajatashatru followed. Both the Jainism and the
Buddha and Mahavira. He ruled for about 52 years Buddhism claim them their respective followers.
from circa 542 BC to 491 BC. He was a shrewd king. Ajatashatru convened the first Buddhist Council at
He maintained a regular army. He increased his Rajgriha in 487 BC.
territory in three ways. First, by conquests, in Successors of Magadha : The successors of
which he attacked and defeated Brahmadatta , the Ajatashatru were not very able. Later, Shishunaga
king of Anga and occupied this kingdom. Second, overthrew and ascended the throne of Magadha,
by matrimonial alliances with the kingdoms of who was later overthrown by the Nandas. Thus,
Koshala, Vaishali and Madra (in Punjab). He Magadha was later ruled by the Nanda dynasty
received the territory of Kashi as a gift. Third, he which was founded by Mahapadma Nanda. Magadha
entered into peace treaties with neighbouring and had become all the more powerful under the
other kingdoms. He chose any of these three ways Nandas. When Alexander the Great invaded India,
which suited him best. He conquered Anga only to he defeated King Porus, the king of territory
gain access to the port of Champa, which he could between Jhelum and Chenab rivers in Punjab, but
use for trade relations with several kingdoms and he had no courage to move forward and attack
West Asia.
Magadha, so powerful was Magadha at that time.
Bimbisara introduced a sound administrative Other Causes of the Rise of Magadha : In addition
system. The smallest unit of administration was the to the able kings, some other causes which
village, which was administered by a village contributed to make Magadha a powerful kingdom
assembly headed by a Gramika or village headman. can be studied under the following points :
There were about 80,000 villages in his kingdom,
and the headman of any village could meet him. At 1. Natural Resources : Magadha had two great
the capital, he had a council of advisors who natural resources—fertile lands and vast iron ore
looked after different aspects of administration. deposits. While fertile lands resulted in abundant
His capital was at Rajgriha, near Patna. food production, the iron ore deposits were used to
manufacture weapons for war and tools for
It is not known what religion Bimbisara belonged industry. These natural resources helped in
to, but he had a tolerant view for all religions.
establishing supremacy of Magadha.
Ajatashatru : Ajatashatru, the son of Bimbisara,
was another able king of Magadha. He ascended 2. Strategic Location of Capital Cities : Rajgriha,
near Patna was the capital in the beginning, which
the throne after assassinating his father. He ruled was surrounded by five hills, so it was difficult to
for 32 years from 491 BC to 461 BC. He was an invade it. Later, Patliputra (Patna) was made the
aggressive king. He conquered territories and made capital city, which was located on the confluence
Magadha the most powerful kingdom of northern of the Ganga, the Gandak and the Son rivers, which
India. The conquered territories included Koshala, provided much security against attacks.
the kingdom of his own uncle. He also conquered
Vajji, which was a confederacy of eight republics. 3. Economic Development : Fertile land, mineral
resources and availability of waterways for trade
Activity facilitated in the economic development of the
On a map of India, locate the following : kingdom. As the economic development took place,
1. Mahajanapadas : Vatsa, Panchala, Koshala the kings were able to collect more taxes.
2. Rivers : Ganga, Gandak, Son, Yamuna 4. Welfare Measures : The rulers of Magadha were
Contemporary Social Science-6