Page 48 - SST Class 06
P. 48

Growth of New Ideas                            7

             q   Indian philosophies                                q   Upanishads
             q   Rise of Jainism and its teachings                  q   Rise of Buddhism and its teachings

            Introduction                                            time, they became expensive and complicated
                                                                    because the Brahmins introduced many rites and
            India is enriched with new ideas from time to time
                                                                    rituals, many of which were aimed at making
            and the Upanishads, Jainism and Buddhism were
                                                                    money. As a consequence, the common people
            steps in this direction. They tried to eradicate the    found it difficult to practise them. This resulted in
            evils which prevailed then. These continue to exist
                                                                    the laying down of new ideas in the form of
            and remain relevant even today.
                                                                    Upanishads, Jainism and Buddhism.
            The Indian philosophy occupies an important place
                                                                    There are a number of Upanishads. These were
            in the world. It has accepted in its fold new ideas
                                                                    written to complement the Vedas and to tell the
            with open arms. This is the reason that new ideas       real meaning of the Vedas. They dealt with all
            have sprouted here from time to time and accepted
                                                                    aspects of life. Different rishis (sages) wrote them.
            by the people. Thus, a number of philosophies
                                                                    The eleven Upanishads are considered the most
            came into being in India.
                                                                    important; these are—Isa, Kathak, Kena, Prasana,
                                                                    Mundaka,      Mandukya,      Taittiriya,   Aitareya,
                           INDIAN PHILOSOPHIES
                                                                    Chhandogya, Brhadaranyaka and Svetasvatara.
            We can divide the Indian philosophies into two
            chief types :
                                                                          Info Bits
                                                                          Info Bits
            1. Theist philosophies , that is, those philosophies
               which believe in the authenticity of the Vedas.       Most of the composers and writers of Upanishads
               The Upanishads have laid down a number of             were learned and scholarly, Brahmins.
               philosophies, the Vedanta of which is the most       The Vedanta philosophy, which was propounded
               important. The Advaita Vedanta, as laid down         by Shankaracharya, deals with the following
               by Shankaracharya, is the most important             aspects of life :
               philosophy in this type.
                                                                    q   Brahman or the Supreme God
            2. Atheist philosophies , that is, those philosophies
                                                                    q   Values of life
               which do not believe in the authenticity of the
               Vedas. There are six of them, the two most           q   The right way of living
               important philosophies under this type are           The Vedanta lays down the following principles :
               Jainism and Buddhism.
                                                                    q   The Brahman   (the Ultimate Reality or Supreme
                                UPANISHADS                              God) is the origin and end of the whole
                                                                        universe. Everything exists in Him, originates
            The Vedas are the primary source of all thoughts
            in Hinduism. In the beginning, religious practices          from Him and merges in Him.
            were simple in nature, but with the passage of
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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