Page 50 - SST Class 06
P. 50
q Right knowledge One day, Siddhartha saw a very aged man, a very
diseased person and a dead body being carried for
q Right conduct
cremation by the bereaving family members.
Jainism believes that the right conduct (character) These sights had profound effect on him and he
can be possessed by following the Panch started to question himself what the true meaning
Mahavrita (or five great vows), which are : of life was. He wanted to eradicate these
sufferings from the world.
1. Non-violence, by speech, deed or thought.
So, one night he slipped away from the palace
2. Speak the truth and renounce the false
leaving behind his wife and son fast asleep. He
was 29 years of age then. He first went to
3. Non-stealing, that is, taking another's thing Rajgriha, the capital of Magadha and sought the
without permission or payment is wrong. company of gurus, but he was not satisfied. He
4. Celibacy, that is, control over all senses. undertook severest penance and austerity for six
long years, but he was not satisfied.
5. Non-hoarding, that is, not collecting things
which are not necessary. One night, when he was sitting under a pipal tree,
the enlightenment (or true knowledge) dawned on
Jainism does not believe in the existence of God, him, and he came to be called the Buddha (the
because the existence cannot be proved by
enlightened one). The tree under which he
inference. The Jains worship the twenty-four
attained this is called the Bodhi Tree and it is
Tirthankaras as God. situated at the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya
Activity (Bihar).
Find out the names of any four religions : From then on, the Buddha went from place to
place to spread his message of Dharma (or the
1. _______________ 2. _______________
Law) for the rest of his life. He breathed his last in
3. _______________ 4. _______________ circa 483 BC at Kushinagar.
Sacred Texts Just Think!
The whole Jain literature is divided into two parts.
There were twenty-three Tirthankaras before
Mahavira. The literature up to the time of Should these new religious thoughts or beliefs
Mahavira is called Purva , and the literature that come into existence?
was created after his life is called Anga. Buddhism spread over a large
Mahavira’s teachings were passed by word of area. He had a large following
mouth until they were written down. His in the kingdoms of Magadha
teachings are divided into two parts— Anga and Koshala. His own father,
Pravishta and Anga Bahya. The Anga Pravishta son, wife and other relatives
comprises of the explanations given by Mahavira became his followers. With Lord Buddha
on questions, while the Anga Bahya comprises of time, Buddhism became an
the writings of the later followers. international religion. We can
find its traces in Sri Lanka,
RISE OF BUDDHISM Thailand, China, Cambodia,
Japan, Korea and other south-
Gautam Buddha was the proponent of Buddhism. east nations. Mahabodhi Temple
His real name was Siddhartha. He was born in the
sixth century BC. He was the son of the Shakya With time, Buddhism branched out into two sects:
king at Lumbini (now in Nepal). He lived his 1. The Mahayana (the greater vehicle) which
childhood in luxury and did not know any misery. accepts the Buddha as a God and worships his
He was married and had a son. idols; and
Contemporary Social Science-6