Page 52 - SST Class 06
P. 52
A. Tick (3) the right option :
1. Mahavira was the ____________ Tirthankara.
(a) first (b) twenty-fourth (c) tenth
2. The childhood name of the Buddha was ____________ .
(a) Siddharatha (b) Vardhaman (c) Vivekananda
3. Shakya king was the father of ____________ .
(a) Vardhaman (b) Siddhartha (c) Ramakrishna
4. Vardhaman belonged to a ____________ family.
(a) royal (b) common (c) none of these
5. The followers of Mahavira are called ____________ .
(a) Buddhists (b) Jains (c) both
6. According to Buddha, the chief cause of sorrow and suffering in the world is ____________ .
(a) caste system (b) poverty (c) desire
7. The Buddhism was founded by ____________ .
(a) Ashoka (b) Rahul (c) Gautam Buddha
8. Buddha got enlightenment at ____________ .
(a) Sarnath (b) Gaya (c) Shravasti
B. Name any two :
1. types of Indian philosophies : (a) ____________ (b) ____________
2. Upanishads : (a) ____________ (b) ____________
3. Indian philosophies : (a) ____________ (b) ____________
4. of the Triratna (in Jainism) : (a) ____________ (b) ____________
5. sects of Buddhism : (a) ____________ (b) ____________
6. paths in the Noble Eight-fold Path (in Buddhism) : (a) ____________ (b) ____________
C. Match the following :
1. Theist philosophy u u The eight ways which can be followed to get Nirvana or
2. Atheist philosophy u u The four truths as mentioned in the Buddishm.
3. Upanishads u u The five great vows which a Jain should follow.
4. Triratna u u The three jewels which Jainism professes to be followed.
5. Four Noble Truths u u A philosophy which believes in the authenticity of the Vedas.
6. Noble Eight-Fold Path u u A philosophy which does not believe in the authenticity of the
D. Write the meanings of the following words :
1. Brahman ____________________________________
2. Atman ____________________________________
3. Moksha ____________________________________
4. Kaivalya ____________________________________
Contemporary Social Science-6