Page 54 - SST Class 06
P. 54

The First Empire                      8

             q   Establishment of the first empire                  q   Rise of Chandragupta Maurya
             q   Ashoka the great                                   q   Administration of Mauryan empire

            Introduction                                            Maurya and trained him and led him to form the
                                                                    first empire in India.
            You have studied in the previous lessons that the
            rule of Magadha passed into the hands of the
                                                                          Info Bits
            Nanda dynasty. When Alexander the Great invaded               Info Bits
            India, Dhana Nanda was the ruler of Magadha.
            Alexander, the king of Macedonia (Greece) invaded        Kautilya was a teacher of economics and wrote a
                                                                     book the Arthashastra. This book deals with many
            India in 326 BC. He defeated Taxila and other            aspects of economics and politics.
            smaller kingdoms, including the one ruled by King
            Porus. He also decided to attack Magadha but his
            soldiers had got tired after fighting a series of wars           RISE OF CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA
            or they were, perhaps, afraid of fighting the mighty                    (321 BC TO 297 BC)
            army of Nandas, so he decided to return. He             Chandragupta Maurya, under the guidance of
            appointed his governors for the conquered               Kautilya, gathered a small army and occupied
            territories. His invasion weakened the kingdoms in      territories in Punjab which had become weak due
            Punjab and Afghanistan. So, the time was apt when       to Alexander’s invasion. He consolidated his
            a larger empire could be formed.                        position and attacked Magadha. The Nanda rulers
                                                                    had become unpopular by then. This victory was
                      ESTABLISHMENT OF THE EMPIRE                   easy for him as the people cooperated with him.
                                                                    With this victory in 321 BC, he earned the title of
            You have read that when the Aryans came, they           Emperor of Bharata    . He was termed as the
            lived in small villages, which gradually developed      Liberator .  Nothing   much     is  known     about
            into towns and cities, and thus a number of             Chandragupta’s early life. He was mentored and
            janapadas were formed. Desire for more territory        groomed by Kautilya.
            led to the formation of sixteen mahajanapadas and       Now the first task before Chandragupta was to
            the ambitious rulers further reduced the number of
                                                                    establish an empire. He turned towards the north-
            mahajanapadas to four. Now, the time was                west. This territory had been won by Alexander
            suitable for some ambitious ruler to take the lead      and at this time was being ruled by Selucus
            and set up an empire which would be truly Indian
                                                                    Nicator , a general of Alexander. Chandragupta
            in both spirit and territory.
                                                                    defeated Selucus squarely and made him to sign a
            Kautilya also known as Chanakya, was a Brahmin          humiliating treaty. Selucus was made to marry his
            teacher whose real name was Vishnugupta        . He     daughter to Chandragupta, as well as send an
            was insulted by a Nanda ruler, for which he             ambassador named Megasthenes to his court.
            vowed that he would eliminate the entire Nanda          Let us tell you that Megasthenes was a scholar and
            dynasty. He saw his chances in Chandragupta
                                                                    he wrote a book—the Indica. This book, together
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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