Page 53 - SST Class 06
P. 53

5.   Dukkha                                                 ____________________________________
                 6.   Sammadithi                                             ____________________________________

            E.   Answer the questions in one word/phrase :
                 1.   What type of philosophy is Advaita Vedanta?
                 2.  Describe Brahman in one word.
                 3.  Who is the first Tirthankara in Jainism?
                 4.  What are the teachings of Jainism called?
                 5.  Where did the Buddha attain enlightenment?
                 6.  What does Buddhism advocate to end all suffering?

            F.   Answer the questions in brief :
                 1.   What is the difference between a theist and an atheist philosophy?
                 2.  How were the new ideas of the Upanishads, Jainism and Buddhism laid down?
                 3.  What is the goal of life as per Vedanta?
                 4.  Who are the Shvetambaras?
                 5.  What do you understand by the Panch Mahavritas in Jainism?
                 6.  What are the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism?

            G.   Answer the questions in detail :
                 1.   What are the Upanishads?
                 2.   How did Vardhaman come to be called Mahavira?
                 3.   Who was the founder of Jainism? Highlight his teachings.
                 4.   What is the difference between Shvetambaras and Digambaras?
                 5.   What are the teachings of the Buddha?
                 6.   Why did Buddhism become popular?

                 1.   How the teachings of the Buddha, Mahavira and Upanishads can be helpful in establishing peace?
                 2.   Why do you think Buddhism’s popularity waned in India, its very place of origin?


                 The Buddha and Mahavira set up organisations called sanghas    for those who gave up worldly life and
                 became monks in order to attain enlightenment. Buddhist monks were called bhikshus      because they
                 survived on alms. Nuns were called bhikshunis . The monks and nuns led very simple lives. They spent
                 much of their time in religious studies and meditation. They wandered about to spread their faith
                 among the people. They had to abide by rules of their sangha. Within the sangha, members enjoyed
                 equal status, without consideration for their caste or wealth. They discussed important issues and
                 settled disputes through meetings of members. We can find some valuable information about the
                 conditions during those time through the writings of some bhikshus and bhikshunis.
                 The permanent residences of the both Jain and Buddhist monks, were called monasteries      or viharas .
                 Separate residences were built for monks and nuns. The land for these monasteries were donated by the
                 rich people or kings. The common people offered them food and clothes in return they taught them.

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