Page 51 - SST Class 06
P. 51
2. The Hinayana (the lesser vehicle) which q Sammakammanto (right action)
accepts the Buddha as an ordinary human q Sammajivo (right means of livelihood)
being who went on to attain enlightenment.
q Sammavayamo (right effort)
Quiz Time
q Sammasati (right thinking)
Write True or False :
q Sammasamadhi (right meditation)
1. Buddhism became an international religion.
________ F ind Outind Out
2. Vardhaman was born in 580 BC at Kundagram.
What are the causes of spread of Buddhism in the
________ world in a short time?
3. The Jains worship the twenty-four Tirthankaras According to Buddhism, the ultimate aim of life is
as God. ________
to attain Nirvana (enlightenment) and detachment
4. Gautam Buddha was born in the eighth century from the world so that man does not have to take
BC. ________ birth and rebirth.
5. Jainism spread over a large region. ________
Buddhism believes in the equality of human
Teachings beings. It was opposed to the discrimination of the
Shudras at the hands of high caste Hindus. It
The chief teachings of Buddhism are contained in
the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eight-fold opposed all types of violence and animal
Path . The Four Noble Truths are : sacrifices.
q There is dukkha (suffering) in the world.
Info Bits
Info Bits
q The cause of dukkha is tanha (desire).
q Dukkha can be eradicated by getting rid of 'Buddha' is not name, but a title meaning the
desire. enlightened one, this is the reason that article 'the'
is used with it.
q The desire can be eradicated by following the
Noble Eight-fold Path. Sacred Texts
Thus, Buddhism advocates the Noble Eight-fold The Buddha did not write any books himself. He
Path (or eight paths) in order to eradicate all types spread his message by word of mouth. His
of suffering. These eight paths are : teachings are compiled in the Tripitikas , divided
q Sammadithi (right view) into three parts : 1. Vinaya Pitaka (the rules for the
monks), 2. Sukta Pitaka (the sermons of the
q Sammasankappo (right motives)
Buddha) and 3. Adhidhamma Pitaka (the Buddhist
q Sammavaca (right speech) thought).
v The Indian philosophies can be divided into theist and atheist philosophies.
v The Upanishads lay down philosophies of life.
v Advaita Vedanta, as propounded by Shankaracharya, is the most important Hindu philosophy.
v The first and last Tirthankaras were Rishabhdev and Mahavira respectively.
v Jainism teaches Triratna which can be attained by the Panch Mahavritas.
v The Buddha was the proponent of Buddhism.
v Buddhism says that the cause of suffering is desire which can be removed by following the Noble Eight-fold
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