Page 59 - SST Class 06
P. 59
Just Think! larger taxes. Moreover, the taxes were not
collected timely and properly.
3. The Brahmins were dissatisfied because
What made the lion capital significant enough to
become the National Emblem? Ashoka encouraged Buddhism in which the
priests had no place, so they rose in revolt.
Decline of the Mauryan Empire
In 185 BC, Pushyamitra Sunga, a Brahmin was the
The glorious rule of the Mauryas declined after the army commander of the Mauryan army. He
death of Ashoka. There were a number of causes assassinated the last Mauryan king, Brihadartha
behind it. The important ones were : and became the king, and thus the Mauryan
1. The rulers were inefficient and the empire was dynasty came to an end.
very vast. It was difficult to maintain it in view
Info Bits
of scarce means of transport and Info Bits
The modern idea of Cabinet (or Council of
2. A large network of army and administration Ministers) in our country has been derived from the
required a large revenue which resulted in
Mauryan concept of Mantriparishad.
v Chandragupta Maurya formed the first empire under the guidance of Kautilya.
v The most important victory of Chandragupta Maurya was over Selucus Nicator, a Greek general in the
v Ashoka succeeded his father Bindusara.
v Ashoka invaded Kalinga in order to expand his empire, but he was moved by the plight of the people as a
result of the war.
v A changed Ashoka now sought Dharmavijay in place of Digvijay after he embraced Buddhism.
v Ashoka’s Dhamma was tolerant of all faiths.
v Ashoka issued edicts to spread his message.
v Ashoka administered his empire well.
A. Tick (3) the right option :
1. The last Nanda king was overthrown by ____________ .
(a) Chandragupta (b) Bindusara (c) Ashoka
2. ____________ was founded by Chandragupta.
(a) Mauryan empire (b) Nanda dynasty (c) Mughal empire
3. ____________ was not one of the names of Kautilya.
(a) Magasthenes (b) Chanakya (c) Vishnugupta
4. The people of Kalinga were ____________ .
(a) weak (b) old (c) brave
The First Empire