Page 62 - SST Class 06
P. 62

Life in Towns

                                                                           and Villages                    9

             q   Second urbanisation                                q   Life in towns
             q   Life in villages                                   q   Agricultural intensification
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            You have studied that marvellous towns had been
            set up during the Harappan civilisation. The             A major advancement in history was due to the
            Harappan people were essentially urban in nature.        discovery of iron around 2000 BC. It was
            The decline of the Harappan civilisation coincided       discovered around 1000 BC in India.
            with the rise of the Aryans; however, they were
            rural in nature and liked to live in towns as their                        LIFE IN TOWNS
            main professions were agriculture and herding. It is    A number of villages grew into towns by virtue of
            believed that many of the previous towns were
                                                                    increase in population and size, in addition to
            destroyed by the Aryans. These towns remained
                                                                    some other reasons. For example, some villages
            extinct for a long duration of almost 1,000 years       grew into towns because of some particular art,
            until about 5th century BC.                             craft or trade. For example, a village situated on

                                                                    some river or sea beach grew into an important
                          SECOND URBANISATION                       trade centre. In the same way, some villages grew

            The second phase of urbanisation started around         into towns because they specialised in certain
            6th century BC when once again towns and cities         crafts, like metal work, embroidery, weaving etc.
            emerged in different parts of India is called the       Some towns became important because they were
            Age of the Buddha  , because Buddhism flourished        made centres of administration. Similarly some
            during this age. This is the time when we hear          towns were important religious centres.
            about urbanisation again, and when towns and            In order to meet varying needs of the people, a lot
            cities were founded again. Some of the important        of new occupations came into being. Some of the
            towns    during   this  era   included    Ayodhya,      important    occupations    in    towns    included
            Kausambi, Vaishali, Rajgir (Rajgriha), Patliputra,      weaving, dyeing of cloth, gold work, iron work,
            Shravasti etc.                                          silver work, carpenter, pottery, medical science,
            The process of a village transforming into a town       transport, art and music, priesthood etc. Many
            and then into a city is a long drawn one, because       towns were famous for their respective crafts; for
            a village grows into a town which ultimately            example, Gandhara was famous for woollen
            grows into a city. However, some towns and cities       clothes, Varanasi for silken clothes and Shividesha
            are founded out of necessity, like capitals. The        for cotton clothes.
            cities of this period had some characteristic
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            features. If not all, a large part of the cities was          Info Bits
            planned with roads, streets, drainage, fortification,
            temples,    monasteries,    palaces    and    other      Varanasi (Banaras) continues to be famous for its
            residential and commercial complexes.                    silken sarees and clothes even today.

                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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