Page 67 - SST Class 06
P. 67

Contacts with

                                                                         Distant Lands                  10

             q   Sangam literature as a source of prevailing times   q  Relations with distant lands
             q   India and South-East Asia                          q   India and North-West
             q   India and West

            Introduction                                            It is evident from the Sangam literature that the
                                                                    Tamil language had been developed fully in that
            Since ancient time India has contacts with other
            parts of the world. The Indians had trade relations
            with other countries as Egypt, Iran, Arabia, China
                                                                          Info Bits
            etc. When these contacts occurred the traders                 Info Bits
            brought with them their own civilisations. The most
                                                                     It mentions about the three dynasties in the
            important feature has been that India has adopted
            all civilisations. It has gained many experiences with   Deccan —Cholas, Pandyas and Cheras. It also
            their customs, art and languages and influenced          mentions that these three dynasties fought among
            them by its own culture.                                 themselves. The heroic deeds of these three
                                                                     dynasties have been mentioned in a long poem
                                                                     named Pattapattu (or Ten Long Poems). It      also
                            SANGAM LITERATURE                        depicts the economic, political, religious and social
            By the word ‘Sangam’ is meant ‘conference’ or            life of common people in the southern India from
            ‘assembly’. It is believed that three Sangams of the     first century AD to sixth century AD.
            Tamil poets were held in which about 8,598 poets
            took part. There is no definite information about                 RELATIONS WITH DISTANT LANDS
            the place and time of these Sangams. Of the three       India has historically maintained trade relations
            Sangams, the poems of the two have been lost.           with a number of countries. The relations with
            The number of remaining poems is put at 2,000.
                                                                    many countries were quite deep which influenced
            From the study of these poems, historians have          the course of history too.
            concluded that the three Sangams were held
            sometime between third century AD and sixth              India and South-East Asia
            century AD. Some historians are of the view that        You have read that Ashoka sent his son Mahendra
            some poems were composed in the beginning of            and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka for the
            the millennium, yet they were compiled during           spread of Buddhism. Indian traders traded with Sri
            the Sangam age.      The Sangam literature is an        Lanka as well as with many other countries in
            important source to know about the prevailing           South-East Asia. Not only this, many Indian traders
            times.                                                  settled in these countries so that they could enjoy

            The Sangam literature also throws light on the          benefits there. Some of them became quite
            relations  with   distant  lands,   especially  the     influential and married women from the nobility    .
            establishment of Indian colonies in South-East Asia     In the beginning, Indian traders used to buy spices
            by Indian traders. It also mentions trade relations     from these countries and sell them to the western
            with Greeks and Romans.                                 countries on a huge profit. They also started to
                                                                                      Contacts with Distant Lands
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