Page 64 - SST Class 06
P. 64

by workers (called dasyus  ) under the arrangement       had trade relations with the Romans. The Pandya
            of division of crops or payment of land rent.            rulers and people revered the Vedic rituals and held
                                                                     the Brahmins in high esteem.
            The pasture land, lying beyond the village fields,
            was a public property on which all people could                                   Kanchi
                                                                                         CHOLAS   Puduke
            graze their cattle.
                                                                                     S rirang  Ka
                 Info Bits
                 Info Bits                                                      Muziris  apat nam  ve ri  Gangaikondacholapuram
                                                                                                 Kaveripattnam (Puhar)
                                                                                         Uraiyur  Nagapattinam
                                                                                        Madurai DYAS
            Megasthenese has written about the Pandya                                     PAN
            kingdom that it was founded by a woman who                                      Korkai
            maintained a large and strong army.                                       Kanyakumari
                                                                                       INDIAN    SRILANKA  OCEAN
                                                                                Chola, Pandya and Chera kingdoms
            In the territory what is known as Tamil Nadu now,
            there ruled three dynasties in different places          Chera Kingdom
            between the period 200 BC to 300 AD. These three         The Chera kingdom comprised of the present day
            dynasties were the Cholas, the Pandyas and the           state of Kerala, with only a small part of Tamil
            Cheras. The area of influence of the Cheras was          Nadu. It was a prosperous kingdom. It maintained
            essentially Kerala with a small area now forming a       trade   relations  with   other   kingdoms     and
            part of Tamil Nadu.                                      civilisations. One of its important rulers was
            Chola Kingdom                                            Senguttuvan , who is said to have invaded the
                                                                     northern India. This kingdom too declined in the
            The Chola kingdom was located between the Pennar         second century AD.
            and the Velur rivers around the Kaveri River. Its
            capital was at Puhar (presently Kaveripattanam). It      Source of Information
            came to limelight in circa 200 BC when its ruler,        The source of information about the Cholas,
            Elara  conquered Sri Lanka and ruled it for 50 years.    Pandyas and Cheras includes the Jataka Tales and
            Another important ruler was Karikala. The Cholas         the Indica. Ashoka’s inscriptions   also mention
            maintained a large and strong navy. They     sailed      about them. Pliny, a Roman historian, too has
            right up to the mouth of Ganga. The Chola kingdom        written about them. An important source of these
            flourished but it declined in the third century BC       three kingdoms is also the Sangam literature,
            due to inefficient rulers.                               about which you will read in the following lesson.
            Pandya Kingdom
            The Pandya kingdom comprised of Tirunelveli,
            Ramnad and Madurai in the present day Tamil              Mark the following on a map of India :
            Nadu. Its capital was Madurai. The Pandya kingdom        Chola kingdom, Pandya kingdom, Chera kingdom,
            was a prosperous kingdom, known for its pearls. It       Kaveri River, Pennar River

            v The second urbanisation is called the Age of the Buddha because Buddhism flourished during this period.
            v The towns and cities founded during second century BC and third century AD had a part of the town
               planned for its roads, buildings, palaces etc.
            v Many towns became famous for their special crafts or fields, as Varanasi for silken sarees and clothes.
            v While the society formed into different castes, the people of different varnas started to take up different
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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