Page 68 - SST Class 06
P. 68

trade in other commodities with the passage of          conquered the North-west Frontier Province,
            time.                                                   Sindh and some parts of Punjab. This opened a
                                                                    trade route for Indian traders right into the Persian
            Some Indian princes too sailed to these south-east
            Asian countries and set up their kingdoms. The          empire. It benefited India greatly as the ideas were
                                                                    exchanged between the two civilisations.
            kingdom of Kamboja (Cambodia) was one such.
            The kingdom of Yavadwipa (Java) was also set up
            by an Indian prince. Sri Vijay (Sumatra) was also a
            Hindu kingdom. As a result, the Indian culture
            spread to a number of countries in this region,
            such as Brahmadesh (Myanmar), Suvarnadvipa
            (Java,  Sumatra   and    Bali  together),  Champa
            (Vietnam) etc. The Angkor Vat Temple              in
            Cambodia is dedicated to Vishnu and is a fine
            example of the prevalence of Indian culture there.
            Similarly, the Barobudur Stupa in Java is a
            Buddhist stupa  and is the largest in the world. We
            can see a large number of temples and Buddhist
            monasteries in these countries.
                                                                                  Trade routes of ancient India

                                                                            Just Think!

                                                                     Have   such   interactions   with   foreign   land
                                                                     contributed towards shaping the vast cultural
                                                                     diversity in India?

                                                                        Quiz Time

            Angkor Vat Temple in Cambodia  Barobudur Stupa in Java   Fill in the blanks :
             India and the North-West                                1. The ____________ has been a favoured route of
                                                                        Indian traders.
            India has maintained relations with the north-west
            countries since times immemorial. It is believed         2. The Sangam literature is an important source to
            that the Aryans came from this side. Afghanistan            know about the ____________ times.
            has been a part of the Indian empire a number     of     3. Sanghamitra is the daughter of ____________.
            times. India has maintained relations with the           4. The   Barobudur     stupa   in   Java    is   a
            countries in Central and West Asia. The Silk Route          ____________.
            has been a favoured route of Indian traders.
                                                                     5. The people of the Indus Valley Civilisation had
                  F ind Outind Out                                      trade   relations  with   ____________      and

            What is growing of silk called?                          India and the West

            The people of the Indus Valley Civilisation had         India had maintained trade relations with Greece
            trade relations with Mesopotamia (now Iraq) and         and other countries around the Mediterranean
            Egypt. Many seals, beads and other articles of the      Sea. However, when Alexander the Great invaded
            Indus Valley Civilisation have been found there.        India in 326 BC, the contact became direct and
            India came in contact with Persia in about fifth-       the Indian traders started to go right into Greek
            sixth centuries BC when Darius    I ruled Persia and    and Roman empires. Ashoka too had sent his
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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