Page 73 - SST Class 06
P. 73

medicine. It is another name for the Greek system
                                                                    over China. He defeated Pan
            of medicine. The Indians learnt it from the Indo-       Chiang , a great Chinese general
            Greeks and adopted it.                                  and annexed Kashgar, Khatan and
                                                                    Yarkand. He made his capital at
                                  SHAKAS                            Purushpura   (now Peshawar). He

            The Shakas were a nomadic tribe of Central Asia.        ruled a vast empire right from
            They had been driven out by the Yeuh-Chi tribe    of    Bactria (Bokhara in Iran) in the
            China. They entered India after the Indo-Greeks         north to Ujjain in the south and
            and settled down in western India. The Shaka            from Kashi (Banaras) in the east to   The headless statue
                                                                                                            of Kanishka
            rulers called themselves Satraps . They set up many     Afghanistan in the west.
            kingdoms including Taxila, Ujjain, Nasik and                Quiz Time
            Mathura. The most important ruler of the Shakas
                                                                     Write True or False :
            was Rudradaman       who assumed the title of
            Mahakshtrap  . He checked the advance of the             1. The Indians learnt moulds and dyes from the
            Satvahanas from the south. He also undertook the            Indo-Greeks.                          ________
            repairs of the dam built by Chandragupta Maurya          2. The most important ruler of the Shakas was
            on the Sudarshan Lake in Kathiawar.
                                                                        Gondophernes.                         ________
            The Shaka calendar was started by the Shaka              3. The Shaka calendar was 75 years behind the
            rulers of Ujjain. It is 78 years behind the Christian       Christian calendar.                   ________
                                                                     4. Kanishka was the greatest Kushana king.
                          PAHLAVAS (PARTHIANS)                                                                ________

            The Pahlavas too were a central Asian tribe from         5. The Shakas were not a nomadic tribe of Central
            Parthia. They occupied a large part of the north-           Asia.                                 ________
            west Afghanistan in the first century AD but could
            not rule for a long time. Their famous ruler was        Kanishka was not only a great warrior, he was also
                                                                    a great patron of art and science. The scholars of
            Gondophernes   . They were later conquered by the
                                                                    different fields flourished under his rule. The
                                                                    famous       Buddhist       scholars—Ashvaghosh    ,
                  F ind Outind Out                                  Vasumitra  and Parsva   lived during his reign. The

            During whose reign St. Thomas a follower of Christ      famous Buddhist stories, the Jataka Tales      were
            visited India?                                          written during his time. Charak , the famous Indian
                                                                    physician and Sushruta     , the famous Indian
                                 KUSHANAS                           surgeon lived during his rule.
                                                                    Kanishka got a number of buildings, monasteries
            The Kushanas were a branch of the Yeuh-Chi tribe
            of China and lived in the Taklamaken Desert in          and statues built in the cities of Peshawar,
                                                                    Mathura and Sarnath. A headless bronze statue of
            China. They first defeated the Greek rulers of
            Afghanistan and then the Shakas and thus                Kanishka has been found at Mathura. The
            occupied the whole of north-western India.              Gandhara School of Art and the Mathura School
                                                                    of Art flourished under his rule.
            Kanishka was the greatest Kushana king.
                                                                    Kanishka embraced Buddhism and took steps to
                                                                    spread it in other countries including China, Tibet,
            Kanishka extended his empire by victory after           Korea and Japan. During his time, certain reforms
            victory. He conquered Kashmir, Punjab and               were introduced to Buddhism. Now, it branched
            Mathura from the Shakas and even occupied               out into two sects—the Mahayana        (the greater
            certain parts of Magadha. His greatest victory was      vehicle) and the Hinayana   (the lesser vehicle).

                                                                                   Conquerors from Distant Lands
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