Page 74 - SST Class 06
P. 74

T                           Yarkand                                     Excavations    have     been
                                                    Khatan             INDIA               carried out in Afghanistan,
                                                                 Empire of Kanishka
                   Herat    Kabul   KHANDHAR                                               Bactria, Khotan and other
                             Purushpura   KASHMIR                    in 120-162 A.D.
                                 Taxilaaxila                                               countries of Central Asia. A
                AFGHANISTAN          m   ab                                                large number of evidences
             IRAN               A  N  J  helu  Chenab   Beas   C H I N A                   have   been    found    there
                              S  T  Sutluj   Meerut               TIBET                    proving       that      India
                           K    s                G                                         maintained     close   trade,
                          A   Indu    Indraprastha   an   N E
                         P              Mathura  Yamun  ga   P A        BHUTAN             political,   religious   and
                                                                L                  a
                                            amb  al        Sarnath           Brahmputr     cultural relations with them.
                                           Ch   Betwa      Kashi              SH           (As Buddhism spread under
                                                   Prayag  Sone        BANGLADE
                                                                                           both Ashoka and Kanishka,
                                                                                  MYANMAR  a great many marks have
                                       Nar ada          Ma ha adi
                                            T p a i                                        been found there, including
                                                                                           images    of  the   Buddha,
                                                                       B AY                Buddhist    stupas,   viharas
               A R A B I A N                   od vari G  a             O F
                  S E A                                             B E N G A L            and monasteries at various
                                                                                           Fa-Hein and Hiuen-Tsang,
                                                                                           the two famous Chinese
                                                                Empire of                  pilgrims too have written
                                                i r
                                                                Kanishka                   that Buddhism was quite
                                                                Present         (INDIA)   ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS   popular in Central Asia. The
                                                                International              Indian religion and art had
                                                                                           much influence there. This
                                                     LANKA                                 was the reason that many
                            I   N   D    I  A    N            O    C   E    A   N          people    adopted     Indian
                              India showing the empire of Kanishka  (120-162 AD)           names        and       titles.
                                                                    Commenting      on   the   abundance     of  Indian
            The Mahayana sect accepts Buddha as a God and
                                                                    evidences in Central Asia, Sir Aurel Stein      has
            worships him and many Bodhisattvas (the Buddha          remarked that so complete was the Indianisation
            in previous births) and it also worships the images     of these parts that it appeared if one was moving
            of the Buddha. On the other hand, the Hinayana
                                                                    in the familiar surroundings of an ancient Indian
            was the orthodox sect; it accepted the Buddha as a      city in the Punjab.
            teacher or guru who attained enlightenment. This
            sect does not believe in idol-worship.                  Activity
                                                                     The Jataka Tales are moral stories which were
                  SPREAD OF BUDDHISM TO CENTRAL ASIA                 written to teach good values to the people. Narrate
                                                                     one of the story in class.
            Due to intensive trade relations, the Indian culture
            too spread to the central Asian countries. As
                                                                          Info Bits
            Buddhism was spreading fast, it took its roots in             Info Bits
            Central Asia also. We find ample proofs of
            Buddhism in the countries of this region. The tall       During Kanishka’s rule, Buddhism had 18 sects, so
            Buddha statue at Bamiyan in Afghanistan is a             he convened the Fourth Buddhist Council in order
            proof    enough     of    its   prestigious    past.     to settle disputes, and it resulted in two main sects
            Unfortunately, the fanatics Taliban have destroyed       of Buddhism—the Mahayana and the Hinayana.
            it in 2001 AD.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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