Page 79 - SST Class 06
P. 79

                                                         The Gupta Empire      Age of India because India prospered in
                                                              INDIA            various fields of life. We can study them
                            Kabul                       Under Chandragupta Vikramaditya
                                      KASHMIR               (India in 414 AD)  under the following points.
                AFGHANISTAN        enab
             IRAN            A  N  Jhelum   Chenab  Lahore   C H I N A         Administration
                                  Ra i
                           S  T      Jullundhar          TIBET                 The king was the most powerful and his
                          I     Satluj  YAUDHEYAS
                         K            Meerut
                       P A  dus In  Indraprastha   Y  G an  N E P              word was the final authority. He liked
                                                Kanauj   A L   BHUTAN  t       to be called by high-sounding titles as
                              ARJUNAYANAS                          B ahmpu ra   r
                                         LWA  Prayag  Kashi   Patliputra  BANGLADESH   Maharajadhiraja  (the king of kings) or
              r p
             T o ic  of a  r            MA            Gaya                     Samrat  (the emperor). He ruled with the
                  C nce
                                 Mandasaur   Sanchi
                              SAURASTRA Ujja in  Rupnath
                            Va lla hi   Narma da                      ARA  BURMA  help of ministers. The whole territory
                                 Broa ach  Tapi
                                 Bro ch
                                                 Mah ana  di           KAN     was divided into provinces called
                                         G odavari            B AY             bhuktis , which were governed by the
               A R A B I A N                                  O F              princes or other chosen people called
                  S E A                                    B E N G A L
                                                                               uparika maharaja  . The provinces were
                                                                               further divided into districts called
                                                       REFERENCE               vishayas   governed    by   vishayapatis ,
                                                        Extent of the
                                                        Gupta Empire           while the village was the smallest unit

                                                        Present      (INDIA)   ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS   under the charge of a village council of
                                                        Boundary               elders.
                                                SRI                            Taxes   were   collected   by   officials;
                       MALDIVES                LANKA
                                                                               however, they were given the right to
                          I  N   D   I  A  N          O   C   E   A   N
                                                                               collect taxes from the people. This was
                                 India under Chandragupta II
                                                                               a shortcoming of the Gupta period as it
                           LATER  GUPTA RULERS                      contributed to the decline of the dynasty later
                                                                    because these people broke away when the weak
            Chandragupta II was succeeded by his son,
            Kumaragupta who too was an able administrator.          kings came to the throne.
            He maintained the territories well that he              Fa-Hien has admired the Gupta administration
            inherited from his father. He was succeeded by          highly. The people did their jobs freely and
            Skandagupta who too was an able ruler. He               without any restriction. The punishments were
            crushed the Hunas, a barbaric tribe from central        mild, but there were hardly any crimes. The roads
            Asia.                                                   were safe, so the traders could move safely.
            Activity                                                The chief source of income was the land revenue
            On an outline map of India, show the territories        which was one-fourth of the total produce. The
            under Chandragupta I’s rule in red colour,              government officials were honest.
            Samudragupta’s     rule  in   black   colour    and
            Chandragupta II’s rule in yellow colour.                 Society
            However, the later Gupta rulers were not strong         Fa-Hien has written that the people were rich and
            and able. They were weakened by the frequent            prosperous. Charity was abundant as temples,
            attacks of the Hunas. As a result, the Gupta            hospitals and inns were built by charity. The
            empire broke into pieces and thus, this illustrious     people were law-abiding, vegetarian and honest.
            dynasty came to an end.                                 The Chandalas    (low-caste people) lived outside
                                                                    the towns and were treated as untouchables
                     THE GUPTA AGE : THE GOLDEN AGE                 because they were not vegetarian. All other
                                                                    people lived in harmony.
            The Gupta Age is rightly termed as the Golden
                                                                            Political Developments (AD 300 TO 700)
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