Page 81 - SST Class 06
P. 81

Comparison between Gupta administration                                  HARSHAVARDHANA
            and the Mauryan administration
                                                                    After the decline of the Gupta empire, North India
            Gupta Administration                                    broke up into several kingdoms. One of the
                                                                    kingdoms that emerged was Vardhana dynasty.
            1. The administration was simple.
                                                                    The first ruler of Vardhana dynasty was Prabhakar
            2. There were two types of territories—under            Vardhana  . His capital was Thaneshwar   (Thanesar).
               direct control and under indirect control.
                                                                    He was succeeded by Rajyavardhana         who was
            3. The    governors    of  provinces    had   more      cunningly murdered by the ruler of Bengal
               autonomy.                                            Shashank  . After his death at the age of 16 years,

            4. The officers were often given land grants in         Harshavardhana    ascended the throne in 606 CE
               place of salaries, with the authority to collect     and ruled till 647 CE. He was one of the most
               taxes.                                               powerful kings of this dynasty. He shifted his
                                                                    capital from Thanesar to Kannauj as it was easier
            5. The laws and punishments were lax.
                                                                    to control the empire from there. He then
            Mauryan Administration                                  conquered area from the west to east, i.e. Punjab,
            1. The administration was complex divided into          eastern Rajasthan, Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
                several tiers.                                      Orissa and the whole of the Ganga valley upto
                                                                    Assam. However, he was defeated by the
            2. All territories were under the direct control of     Chalukya king Pulakeshin II  in 620 CE.
                the rulers.
                                                                      T TAJIKISTAN AJIKISTAN
            3. The    Mauryan     rulers  gave   only   limited            Khashgarh                       INDIA
                                                                                                    EMPIRE OF HARSHAVARDHANA
                autonomy to the governors of provinces.                                                 (AD 606 – AD 647)
                                                                            Kabul     KASHMIR
                                                                    AFGHANISTAN        Srinagar  I
            4. The officers were given salaries.                         Kandahar   Taxila   Jammu   M  A  C H I N A
            5. The laws and punishments under the Mauryan         IRAN           Jullundur      L  A                 N S
                                                                                         Thanesar   Y  TIBET     A I
                rule were comparatively harsh.                        PAKISTAN                      A  M  O U N T
                                                                                    AS   JAR     N E P           AMR  UPA
                                                                                 GUR  Mathura   Sravasti   A L  BHUTAN  K
                      DECLINE OF THE GUPTA PERIOD                           SINDH            Ayodhya   Patliputra liputra   B NGLA ADESH
                                                                                                            A GL DESH
                                                                  r p
                                                                  T o ic of C     MALWA       Prayag   Gaya  B  AN
                                                                       an er             I  N  D  I  A  Rajgriha  BENGAL
            The early Gupta kings were able and strong; but                            in             Tamralipta
            the later kings were not so. Moreover, granting of               VALLABHI                JAM
            land gradually transformed into revolt. Two other       A R A B I A N       Ajanta            B AY
                                                                                         PULAKESIN II
                                                                                                           O F
            reasons that contributed to                                S E A                            B E N G A L
            the decline of the Gupta
            period included the frequent
            attacks by the Hunas and the                                                       Kanchipuram
            Buddhist    teachings.    The                                              HER AS C      REFERENCE   (INDIA)   ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS
                                                                                                     Empire of Harsha
            kings   followed   Buddhism                                        (INDIA)  LAKSHADWEEP   PA D  S  Route of Xuanzang's
                                                                                          N YA
            and shunned wars due to                                                            SRI   Present International
                                                                             MALDIVES         LANKA  Boundary
            which the army weakened.             Ellora Caves               I  N  D  I  A  N        O  C  E  A   N
                                                                               India under Harshavardhana’s rule
                 Info Bits                                          Harshavardhana was a great patron of art and
                 Info Bits
                                                                    wrote    three    plays   in    Sanskrit—Ratnavali ,
            q  The    Manusmriti    was    followed   for   the     Priyadarshika , and Nagananda    . Harsha was a
               administration of justice during the Gupta           follower of Shiva in his early years. Later, he
                                                                    embraced Buddhism and organised the fifth
            q  Because of his fine literary works, Kalidasa is      Buddhist council at Kannauj in 643 CE. According
               called the Shakespeare of India.                     to Hiuen-Tsang, Harsha got a number of stupas
                                                                            Political Developments (AD 300 TO 700)
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