Page 78 - SST Class 06
P. 78
Samudragupta expanded his empire in all
conqueror of the Shakas). His empire now
directions. He defeated the Naga rulers in extended right up to the Arabian Sea and
Mathura, Gwalior and Ahichhatra in the north. comprised of the ports of Broach, Cambay and
His most distinct campaign was in the Deccan
Sopara. Thus, his empire extended from the
when he led his forces through rugged terrain to Brahmaputra River in the east to the Chenab and
bring rulers in the south under his suzerainty. the Arabian Sea in the west; and from the
However, he was very intelligent and practical in
Himalayas in the north to the Narmada River in
his approach. He divided his territories into two the south.
types—the territories under his direct control and
Chandragupta II too was an able administrator.
the territories under his indirect control. The
territories under his direct control extended from India flourished under his rule; this is the reason
Bengal in the east to Delhi in the west and from that his rule is called the Golden Age of India. He
was a patron of art and literature. Kalidasa was
the Himalayas in the north to the river Narmada in
the south. The territories under his indirect control one of his Navratnas.
were those which he conquered but returned to He was a fine poet and playwright in Sanskrit. He
the native kings to rule as per his instructions. He has written many fine works, including
conquered most of the Deccan but he kept these Meghadutam, Raghuvansham, Ritusamhara,
territories under his indirect control. Similarly, he Kumarasambhava and Abhijnanashakuntalam. His
had suzerainty over Nepal, Kamrup (Assam), last work is very popular and has been translated
Samtata (modern Bengal) and Kartarpur (Terai into many languages of the world.
region). It was a wise step else his territories
would have enlarged so much that it would Quiz Time
become very difficult to control. Fill in the blanks :
Due to his successful campaigns in all directions, 1. Samudragupta was also an efficient
he is rightly termed the Napoleon of India . _________________.
Samudragupta was also an efficient administrator. 2. Chandragupta II was a patron of ___________
On the one hand, he expanded his territories; and and ___________.
on the other, he looked after the welfare of his
3. Samudragupta defeated the Naga rulers in
subjects well. He was a Hindu, yet he adopted a
tolerant view towards all faiths. He was a great ___________, ___________ and ___________
patron of art, literature and music. He has been in the north.
depicted holding a veena (a stringed music 4. The Gupta period is called the ___________.
instrument) in his coins. He himself was a scholar 5. Kumaradevi was a princess of the ___________
and poet. We can say that he was a fine ruler. tribe.
Chandragupta II (380 AD-414 AD)
Fa-Hien, a Chinese traveller, came to India during
Samudragupta was succeeded by his illustrious Chandragupta’s rule. He visited many parts of
son Chandragupta II, popularly known as India during his fifteen-year long journey, which
Vikramaditya. He is often identified with he undertook to visit different places of Buddhist
Vikramaditya of Ujjain to whom many tales of interest. He has written in detail about different
mythology are attributed. Chandragupta II is said kingdoms including the Guptas.
to have Navratnas (nine gems or scholars in his He has described in detail
court). about society, trade, religion,
art, literature, administration
Following in the footsteps of his father,
etc. of the Gupta period. His
Chandragupta II too accomplished many victories.
writings are a main source of
He defeated the Shakas of Malwa, Gujarat and
Saurashtra and assumed the title of Shakari (the information of this period. Fa-Hien
Contemporary Social Science-6