Page 66 - SST Class 06
P. 66

D.   Answer the questions in one word/phrase :
                 1.   What is known as the period of second urbanisation?

                 2.  What was the organisation of craftsmen or traders called?
                 3.  Who was the chairman of the sangha?
                 4.  What was the village headman called?
                 5.  What was the capital of the Chola kingdom?
                 6.  Which kingdom was known for its pearls?

            E.   Answer the questions in brief :
                 1.   How were the Harappan towns and cities destroyed?
                 2.  How were towns and cities built?

                 3.  Who was Pliny?
                 4.  How was life run in villages?
                 5.  What do you understand by agricultural intensification?
                 6.  How did a gram bhojak look after the village affairs?

            F.   Answer the questions in detail :
                 1.   What was a sangha? Why were the sanghas formed?
                 2.   Which three dynasties ruled in the territory now forming Tamil Nadu?

                 3.   What does urbanisation show?
                 4.   How and why did the rulers promote trade? Discuss.
                 5.   Why did craftsmen and merchants form guilds?
                 6.   What do you know about the Chola and the Pandya Kingdoms?

                 1.   What is the difference between the life of the people of villages and cities in modern India?
                 2.   How did increase in agricultural production help in the development of towns?

                                                  Northern Black Polished Ware
                 The special and distinctive kind of pottery produced by the potters in this period was Northern Black
                 Polished Ware. This pottery was very glossy and shiny type of pottery which was black in colour. It was
                 mostly used by rich people. It was found in northern India hence, it was called Northern Black Polished
                 Ware. The NBPW was characteristic of the urban centers of the Gangetic Plain, and is thought to have
                 developed from the technique of high-temperature firing used in smelting iron and from the use of
                 hematite soil locally available.
                 It is extensively distributed as a luxury product, and the distribution helps the
                 tracking of exchange and trade in different parts of the Indian subcontinent.
                 Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are the main regions of NBPW sites. It was first
                 excavated at Taxila in 1930.

                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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