Page 43 - SST Class 06
P. 43

of weavers, ironsmiths, goldsmiths, washermen,           3. The head of the family continued to enjoy a
            oilmen etc. The caste system became rigid, that is,         ____________ position in all family matters.
            the son of a weaver could become only a weaver           4. The republics were less developed as compared
            and nothing else. In some cases, marriages were             to the ____________.
            restricted within the caste. The castes were
            graded,   and    those    considered    low    were      5. The chief sources of income for a king were
            considered untouchable. Each caste had its                  ____________ and ____________.
            peculiar traditions, customs, eating habits and
            social bindings. The family continued to be the          Economic Life
            basic unit of society. The joint family system
                                                                    Trade and Occupations
            continued. The head of the family continued to
            enjoy a commanding position in all family               Many new trades and occupations emerged, and
            matters.                                                the people engaged in them were attributed those
                                                                    occupations as their castes. Many craftsmen and
            Personal Life
                                                                    traders moved to towns and cities; similarly a
            The four divisions or ashrams during the Vedic          large number of people joined the army.
            Age became relaxed and these four ashrams
                                                                    Weights and Measures
            (Brahmacharya,     Grahastha,   Vanaprastha     and
            Sanyas) were practised by the people of upper           With the introduction of the
            castes only.                                            coinage,   the   barter  system
                                                                    gradually   phased    out.  The
            Position of Women
                                                                    weights were in the multiples
            Women enjoyed a very high place in the society          of sixteen.                        Punch-marked coins
            during the Vedic Age, but this started to change.
                                                                     Source of Information
            The rights to education and inherit property were
            restricted. Only the women of higher economic           The source of information during this period
            and social status could get education. The birth of     comprises the Buddhist literature and the Jain
            a girl-child was not favoured, while the birth of a     literature, in addition to a number of excavations
            boy-child was an occasion of celebration.               (like in Kashi, Patliputra etc.) that have been
                                                                    undertaken in this region. The geographical extent
            Religious Life
                                                                    mentioned in these documents includes the region
            The Brahmins continued to dominate the social           from Afghanistan to Bihar (in India). The early
            life. As the religious rites and rituals became         Buddhist literature (like the Mahagovind Sutta    of
            expensive and complicated, the Kshatriyas too           Digha Nikaya) says that India was like a rectangle
            sought to study the scriptures in search of new         in the north and like a triangle in the south. The
            rituals and rites. A change in language was             other   literature  includes  Bhagavatisutra,    the
            perceptible, as the Brahmins spoke Sanskrit, while      Sutrakntang, the Ashtadhyayi    (written by Panini),
            the common people preferred to speak Pali and           the Baudhayandharmasutra and the Mahabharata.
            Prakrit. Due to these reasons, the Buddhism and         There are some variations in different evidences,
            the Jainism prospered.                                  yet the historians have been able to construct the
                Quiz Time                                           history of this period correctly.

            Fill in the blanks :                                     Case Study : Magadha And Vajji Confederacy

            1. The   chief   of  a   republic   was   called  a      Due to several factors, North India saw the growth
               ____________.                                         of powerful kingdoms, the important of which were
                                                                     Magadha and Vajji confederacy.
            2. A farmer paid ____________ share of his
               produce to the king.                                  The Kingdom of Magadha
                                                                     Of all the mahajanapadas in northern India, the
                                                                                                 The Early States
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