Page 41 - SST Class 06
P. 41

The Early States                     6

             q   Janapadas and mahajanapadas                        q   Life of mahajanapadas
             q   Magadha                                            q   Vajji

            Introduction                                            04. Koshala (now in East Uttar Pradesh)
            During the Later Vedic Age, the Aryans had settled      05. Vajji (now in northern Bihar)
            down widely in the Gangetic plains. They cleared
                                                                    06. Malla (now in eastern Uttar Pradesh)
            the forests  and set up villages and towns. The
            period from 600 BC to 400 BC was a big                  07. Chedi (now in Bundelkhand in Madhya
            transformation in the history of ancient India. This         Pradesh)
            period is important because powerful kingdoms           08. Vatsa (now Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh)
            were founded during this period.
                                                                    09. Kuru (western Uttar Pradesh)

                      JANAPADAS TO MAHAJANAPADAS                    10. Panchala (now Rohilkhand and adjoining
                                                                         area in Uttar Pradesh)
            The settlement of the Aryans in the Gangetic
            plains and around gave rise to many small               11. Matsya (now Jaipur and Alwar)
            kingdoms called janapadas. These janapadas           T TAJIKISTAN AJIKISTAN
            had been formed by the end of the Later                                                   India : Kingdoms
                                                                                                     of the Magadha Age
            Vedic Age. These janapadas were ruled by                       KAMBOJA                        (600 BC)
            different Aryan clans or tribes. Their struggle
                                                                                h nab
            with the native people had ceased because        IRAN           N  um el  C ena  b
                                                                                 a i
            the latter had either moved down south or                    S T A  Jh  atlu  j   R v  KURU  PA NCH  C H I N A
                                                                                                     T I B E T
            had learnt to live in harmony with the                    P A K I  I d s n u  S  SUR AS EN  G AL  N E P
            Aryans.                                                              MATSYA  A  Yam n  KOSALA  A L  BHUTAN  a
                                                                                                MALLA            mputr
                                                                                         u a
                                                                                                               B  rah
                                                                                               KASHI  VAJJI
            These janapadas started to fight with one                                                    BAN L DESH
                                                                                                           G ADESH
                                                             Trop ic o f Can ce r    CHEDI  VATSYA       BAN LA
            another in order to expand their territories,                      AVANTI                   ANGA
            and thus it resulted into the formation of                           Narma da        adi Mahan  MAGADHA  MYANMAR
                                                                                     T pi                        ARAKAN
            larger kingdoms, called mahajanapadas. By
            the birth of the Buddha, the northern India       A R A B I A N            G dava ri         B AY
                                                                                                          O F
            had   been    divided    into  sixteen   such        S E A             ASAKA               B E N G A L
            mahajanapadas. These were :                                             hna
            0 1. Anga (now districts of Bhagalpur and                                               REFERENCE
                 Munger in Bihar)                                                    K v  ri         Present
                                                                                      a e
            0 2. Magadha (now Patna and Gaya in                            (INDIA)  LAKSHADWEEP                 (INDIA)   ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS
                                                                      MALDIVES              LANKA
            0 3. Kashi (now Benaras or Varanasi in Uttar
                                                                         I  N  D  I  A   N         O  C   E  A   N
                                                                             Janapadas and mahajanapadas
                                                                                                 The Early States
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