Page 36 - SST Class 06
P. 36

practised. Even sea-trade has been mentioned in          soldiers, elephant-soldiers, horse-soldiers, chariot-
            the Vedas. They knew about other civilisations and       soldiers etc. They were very efficient in chariot-
            learnt a number of occupations from them, like           warfare and bow-arrow.
            cutting of jewels, dyeing etc. The barter system
            was gradually replaced by the coins.                         CHALCOLITHIC SETTLEMENTS IN THE SOUTH
            Political Life                                          You    have   read   that   while   the   Harappan

            As the Aryans moved towards the Gangetic plains         civilisation witnessed the Copper Age, there were
            from the north-west, they started to lead a settled     Chalcolithic settlements in the Deccan covering
            life in the Later Vedic Age. Initially they were        the   areas   of   Rajasthan,   Madhya     Pradesh,
            organised into small tribes or clans under the          Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. These
            command of a Rajan  , who was the bravest or wisest     Chalcolithic settlements vary in period—some of
            among them; but with the passage of time, the           them are pre-Harappan, some of them are
            post of Rajan became hereditary. He ruled with the      contemporary to Harappan and some are post-
            help of popular assemblies—the Sabha       and the      Harappan.
            Samiti . The Sabha was the general assembly in
            which all grown-up people participated while the                Just Think!
            Samiti was the assembly of the elders. The king
            was assisted by several ministers in the discharge       Which culture was the product of the Bronze Age?
            of his duties. The two important ministers were the      CASE STUDY : THE DECCAN
            Purohit  who was the spiritual head and advisor,
            and the other was the Senani or the army                 The  important    Chalcolithic  sites  have   been
            commander. These ministers were men of high              excavated from the following places :
            character, so they had moral binding on the              1.  Ahar, Balathal and Nagda in Rajasthan.
            actions of the Rajan. The people offered Bali  (gift)
            to the Rajan, which was used for meeting different       2. Jorwe, Chandoli, Songaon, Nevasa in
            types of expenditure of the ruler.                          Maharashtra.
                                                                     3.  Gujarra and Navdatoli in Madhya Pradesh.
            With the passage of time, the Aryans organised
            themselves into larger kingdoms with powerful            4.  Maski and Brahmgiri in Karnataka.
            kings at the head. The kings called themselves           5.  Arikamedu in Tamil Nadu.
            Maharajas  or Samrats  depending upon the territory
            under their rule. Some of the powerful kingdoms of       We shall study these settlements in brief.
            this time included Kashi, Magadha, Kuru, Panchala,       Social and Economic Life
            Kosala, Anga etc. The kings often fought with one
            another in an effort to expand their territory. The      The Chalcolithic settlements were primarily rural in
            Ashwamedha Yajna was a popular sacrifice for the         nature. As they had discovered iron during the
            expansion of a king’s territory.                         Neolithic Age, they entered the Iron Age from the
                                                                     Stone Age, and did not know about copper. They
            The large kingdoms had a chain of officials who          made tools and weapons from iron. Their metal
            looked after different aspects of administration,        pottery was quite remarkable. It was painted in red
            like collection of taxes, justice, law and order,        and black colours.
            construction of public places etc.
                                                                     They did not master the use of animals as well as
            Warfare                                                  the Aryans. They constructed their   houses using

            As the kingdoms became larger, the kings                 stone, mud bricks and mud. The use of stone made
            maintained well-equipped armies. The discovery of        their houses quite strong. Lime was used for
            iron helped to manufacture better weapons like           painting the houses.
            lances, spears, swords, maces, javelins etc. The         The Chalcolithic people cultivated both Kharif and
            army had different departments like those of foot        Rabi crops. Their main crops were wheat, rice,

                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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