Page 35 - SST Class 06
P. 35
company, and the Karma marg or the path of husbandry. They were taught religious texts like
action. It was believed that a person could attain the Vedas which they were required to learn by
Mukti or self-realization by following any of these rote. No fee was charged for education. The
three paths. By Mukti was meant emancipation ashrams were given grants by the rulers and rich
from the cycle of birth-rebirth, as they believed in people. At the end of education, a Gurudakshina or
life after death. fee was charged which was keeping in view the
economic status of the pupil. The teacher occupied
a very high place in the society.
Growth of Knowledge and Science : The scholars
devoted their whole time in the growth of
knowledge and science. The subjects of arithmetic,
algebra, geometry, astronomy and astrology drew
great interest. They could predict the occurrences
of solar and lunar eclipses precisely. The accuracy
of science in those days amazes the modern
Rishi doing yajna Collect more information about Gurukul system.
In addition to these, some other gods were also
worshiped, the important of Whom were Brahma, Economic Life
Vishnu and Mahesh. The Mahabharata and the Occupations : Though the Aryans were chiefly
Ramayana had made Krishna and Rama popular nomadic in nature, yet they practised agriculture
deities. It was during the Later Vedic Age that the well. They were proficient in growing different
temples were built. types of crops as wheat, rice, barley, millets,
cotton and oilseeds in addition to fruits and
vegetables. Animal husbandry was in vogue. They
used animals for drawing carts and ploughs. They
milked animals for food. They domesticated cows,
sheep, oxen, goats, dogs and horses. The cow was
given a sacred place and it could not be hurt in
any way, and harsh punishment was prescribed for
any hurt to the cow. They even worshipped Mother
They also practised other occupations, like
Man offering water to the sun weaving, spinning, pottery, carpentry, metal work,
Education leather work etc. After the discovery of iron, the
occupation of an ironsmith became important as all
Education was accepted as one of the most tools and weapons were made of it.
important aspects of life. This was the reason that
the first twenty-five years of life were accepted as The Aryans settled down at one place during the
the Brahmacharya Ashram in which a child was Later Vedic Age when these occupations became
educated at a gurukul or ashram under the specialised over a period of time.
guidance of a teacher or rishi. The teacher and Trade : In the Early Vedic Age, the Aryans did not
pupil lived together in the forest, as the ashrams know about weights and measurements, and the
were built away from the noise and pollution of cow was accepted as a unit of measurement. The
cities. Their mutual relations were those of father- barter system was prevalent.
son. A pupil learned how to read and write,
arithmetic, science, politics, agriculture and animal In the Later Vedic Age, long-distance trade was
Different Ways of Life