Page 31 - SST Class 06
P. 31

Different Ways

                                                                                       of Life             5

             q   Vedic Age                                          q   The Vedas and their teachings
             q   Arrival of Aryans                                  q   A contemporary Chalcolithic settlement

            Introduction                                            ascertained.

            Today India is a large country. It was still larger     The origin of the Aryans is a subject of much
            during the Chalcolithic Age, because it comprised       speculation. Some scholars opine that they were
            the territories which are now in India, Afghanistan,    native inhabitants of India, while some scholars
            Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and some            say that they belonged to Central Asia. They
            parts of Myanmar (Burma), so it is truly termed as      spread out to Europe and Asia in search of
            the Indian subcontinent. In such a large area, the      pastures and were a type of nomadic race. The
            civilisation took place at different places at different   latter view is now generally accepted.
            paces. We have already told you that the Stone Age      The people who came to India are called the Indo-
            was followed by the Copper    Age in the Harappan       Aryans . They were tall and fair-complexioned
            civilisation (in the north-west) and they came to       people with sharp features and strong physique.
            know about iron much later; while the settlements       Many Indians, Persians and Europeans claim
            in the south (Deccan) continued the use of stone        themselves to be the true descendants of the
            until they found iron, so the Copper Age was not        Aryans and consider themselves superior to
            witnessed by the people there.                          others, because the Aryan race was most civilised
                                                                    and cultured then.
            Thus, we find two distinct developments     in two
            different parts of the Indian subcontinent : north-                                       INDIA – VEDIC CULTURE
            west and Deccan. So, we shall study them                                    I d s            About 1500– 1000 B.C.
                                                                                        n u
                                                                                                         Region inhabited by early
            separately.                                                                                  Vedic people (Saptasindhu)
                                                                                                         1000 – 600 B.C. Region inhabited
                                                                               Peshwar                   by later Vedic people
                                                                                                         Direction of movement from
                                                                                                         Sapta-Sindhu to Ganga Plains
                                                                             Takshashila                 Major Cities
                 Info Bits
                 Info Bits                                                     Jhelum     Ch nab   i   s  Present International Boundary
            The early Vedic people had no knowledge of letters,                   S tluj  Rav  B  ea
                                                                            HARAPPA   u
            so the students learnt by heart and recited without
            missing a word. For hundreds of years, the Rigveda          Indu  s       Indraprashta
            was passed down by word of mouth. Finally, it was       MOHENJODARO               Yam  KOSALA
                                                                                                a       Ayodhya
            written down in Sanskrit.                                                                anga G
                                                                                   I  N   D    I  A
                                 VEDIC AGE
                                                                            Movements of the Aryans during (Rigvedic)
            The Harappan civilisation declined about 1500                         Vedic Age and Later Vedic Age
            BC and it coincided with the emergence of the
            Aryans. Therefore, some historians are of the view       Source of Information
            that the Aryans might have invaded and destroyed        This age is called the Vedic Age because the chief
            the Harappan towns; however, this cannot be             source of information is the Vedic literature. We
                                                                                            Different Ways of Life
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