Page 29 - SST Class 06
P. 29
v A number of occupations were adopted in the Harappan civilisation, including long-distance trade.
v Art and sculpture flourished in the Harappan civilisation.
v As the Harappan script has not yet been deciphered, many things cannot be said with certainty except that
they had rich culture and religion.
v The Harappan civilisation flourished for about 1,000 years and declined in circa 1500 BC.
A. Tick (3) the right option :
1. The site at Mohenjodaro was excavated in ____________ .
(a) 1912 AD (b) 1912 BC (c) both of these
2. The citadel was the other name for the ____________ .
(a) raised part (b) lower part (c) none of these
3. The buildings were made from ____________ .
(a) stones (b) mud-bricks (c) iron
4. The Harappan people preferred ____________ activities.
(a) outdoor to indoor (b) indoor to outdoor (c) both of these
5. The Harappan script was ____________ in nature.
(a) pictographic (b) alphabetic (c) numeric
6. The Harappan people believed that there was ____________ .
(a) life after death (b) no life after death (c) death after life
7. The Harappan civilisation flourished for about 1000 years from circa ____________ .
(a) 2500 BC to 1500 BC (b) 2500 BC to 1800 BC (c) 2700 BC to 1900 BC
8. The towns at Harappan and Mohenjodaro were divided into ____________ parts.
(a) three (b) two (c) one
B. Name any two :
1. materials used during the Chalcolithic Age for making tools : (a) __________ (b) __________
2. places where traces of the Chalcolithic Age have been located : (a) __________ (b) __________
3. places in the world where contemporary civilisations flourished : (a) __________ (b) __________
4. places where the Harappan civilisation flourished : (a) __________ (b) __________
5. buildings excavated at the Harappan sites : (a) __________ (b) __________
6. ornaments used by the Harappan people : (a) __________ (b) __________
7. possible causes for the decline of the Harappan civilisation : (a) __________ (b) __________
8. metals used in making jewellery : (a) __________ (b) __________
C. Fill in the blanks with help from the box :
Great Public Bath, Chalcolithic, Harappa, seal, Shiva Pashupati, Pakistan
1. The Stone Age was followed by the ____________ Age.
2. Both Harappan and Mohenjodaro are located in ____________ .
3. The site at ____________ was excavated by R.D. Banerjee.
4. A ____________ was used for stamping goods by traders.
First Cities