Page 28 - SST Class 06
P. 28

Script                                                     Quiz Time

            We have said earlier that the Harappan script has        Write True or False :
            not yet been deciphered. It was pictographic in          1. The Harappan people were very fond of play
            nature. Maybe, we will be able to decipher this             sitar.                              _________
            script some day.
                                                                     2. Many people were engaged in making pottery
                                                                        and jewellery.                      _________
                                                                     3. The workers who worked in factories or
                                                                        workshops lived in the higher part. _________

                                                                     4. The Harappan people produced wonderful pieces
                                                                        of jewellery made of gold.          _________

                               Harappan script                       5. Pottery had different types of patterns and
             Religion                                                   designs.                            _________

            Excavations at different places suggest that the
            Harappan people worshipped many gods and                 Fall of the Harappan Civilisation
            goddesses. The figure commonly found is that of a       The Harappan Civilisation flourished for about
            female deity, identified as Shakti or Mother            1000 years from circa 2500 BC to 1500 BC. Its
            Goddess. A male god with three heads—Shiva              decline coincides with the arrival of the Aryans.
            Pashupati was also worshipped. In a seal, he has        The cause of its fall is not certain, which may be a
            been shown with three visible faces seated in a         natural occurrence (like flood or earthquake) or
            yogic posture with many animals around—tiger            epidemic, or the Aryans might have invaded and
            and elephant on the right, buffalo and rhinoceros       destroyed it. It is possible that the Indus River
            on the left and horned deer under the seat.             changed its course and destroyed the site.
                                                                     Contribution of the Harappan Civilisation

                                                                    The rich legacy of the Harappan civilization
                                                                    passed on to the Aryans as we can find
                                                                    resemblance in many of their customs and
                                                                    traditions. The Harappan civilisation was the first
                                                                    urban civilisation with remarkable sense of town
                                                                    planning, sanitation and architecture. They were
              Statue of Mother Goddess    A burial site at Harappa  probably the first people to harness the animal
            It is also assumed that certain trees, birds, animals   power in a cart. They were peace-loving people
            and other natural forces were also worshipped.          who    knew    the   importance    of   leisure-time
            The burial sites had pottery, ornaments and             activities, like dance, music, painting, sculpture
            mirrors in them, which proves that they believed        etc. They preferred indoor activities to outdoor
            in life after death.                                    activities.

            v The Chalcolithic Age lasted from about 4000 BC to 2000 BC in which both copper and stone were used.
            v Small villages set up during the Stone Age flourished into cities and thus civilisation dawned.
            v The Harappan civilisation flourished in a large area in the north-west.
            v The Harappan towns were well-planned with drainage system and different buildings in two parts—raised
               and lower.
            v A number of occupations were adopted in the Harappan civilisation, including long-distance trade.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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