Page 26 - SST Class 06
P. 26

storing grain and were built near the river for the     oligarchy  existed. It is evident that the rich and
            convenience of transportation. Six granaries have       trader class formed the upper class and had more
            been excavated at Harappa, each of them                 powers as they lived in the citadel. The lower
            measuring 46’× 19’, and the largest one measures        class comprised of farmers, workers and other
            137’× 45’. A furnace too has been found near a          artisans who lived in the lower part or near the
            workshop, so it can be concluded that tools and         fields. The workers who worked in factories or
            weapons were made of metal. The metals used             workshops also lived in the lower part.
            were copper, bronze, lead and tin. Iron was             Dress
            probably not known to them.
                                                                    A large number of clay-spindles have been
            Besides these, there were other types of buildings.     recovered which show that both wool and cotton
            A pillared assembly hall has been excavated at          were spun into thread to weave it into clothes. A
            Mohenjodaro which measures about 80 square              male figure on a statue shows that the men wore a
            metres.                                                 long unstitched cloth round their waist resembling

            One of the excellent features of Mohenjodaro            the modern ‘dhoti’ and a shawl round their left
            remains the Great Public Bath   . This bathing pool     shoulder leaving the right shoulder naked. Some
            measures 139 feet long, 23 feet wide and 9 feet         clothes were probably stitched as needles and
            deep. It is suggested that this bath was used by the    buttons too have been found.
            common people on certain religious and cultural         Food
                                                                    Different crops were grown and animals were
            Yet another remarkable feature of the Harappan          reared, which show that the Harappan people ate
            civilisation was the drainage system. Every house       different types of grains and milk products. Fruits
            had one or more rooms, kitchen, bathroom and            and vegetables too were consumed a plenty.
            well. The drainage system from the kitchen and
            bathroom were connected to the drains in the
            streets. The drains were covered with stone slabs       The Harappan people were
            and had openings (manholes) at regular distances        very   fond   of  music    and
            for the sake of cleaning. This shows that the           dance. They preferred indoor
            people were very conscious of health, hygiene           activities to outdoor activities.
            and sanitation.                                         The children played with a         A Harappan toy
                                                                    variety of toys.
                 Info Bits                                          Occupations
                 Info Bits
                                                                    Agriculture was the most important occupation and
            The Great Bath is the earliest public water tank and    they grew wheat, rice, barley and cotton. Fruits and
            an example of waterproofing in the world.
                                                                    vegetables too were grown. Animals were reared
            The lower part was bigger than the raised part. It      like bull, sheep, elephant, pig, buffalo and camel.
            was the area where common people lived, but it          As food grown was sufficient to meet the needs, the
            too was planned. The houses had thick strong            people were engaged in many other occupations
            walls which were made of baked bricks and mud-          too. The excavation of clay-spindles proves that the
            mortar, and the use of gypsum-mortar was also           people were conversant with spinning and
            found. The houses had paved floors. The doors           weaving. Many people were engaged in making
            and windows were made of wood. The roofs were           pottery and jewellery. The rich class chiefly
            flat and were made of mud, reef or wood.                comprised of traders who conducted long distance
                                                                    trade with other cities and civilisations.
                                                                    Trade :  Trade with the contemporary civilisations
            There is no evidence to show that the cities were       in Egypt, Sumeria and Babylon flourished. The
            ruled by rulers or kings. Perhaps some kind of
                                                                    people knew about many metals like copper,
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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