Page 24 - SST Class 06
P. 24

First Cities                4

             q   Chalcolithic Age                                   q   The settlement pattern of the Harappan civilisation
             q   Art and craft                                      q   Unique architectural features

            Introduction                                            man was now on the threshold of transition from
                                                                    prehistory to history, that is, from the era of no-
            As man learnt how to grow his food, make fire, live
            a settled life and domesticate animals, his needs       records to written-records.
            were gradually increasing, but he could not meet        The discovery of metals greatly helped man in
            them due to the limited types of tools. The             different fields, as in carpentry and agriculture;
            discovery of metals was a great step forward in the     because it became possible to make more efficient
            progress of civilisation. The first metal found in      tools, like plough-heads, hoes and axes. Metallic
            India was copper, followed by zinc and tin. This        tools provided him better protection against wild
            discovery   paved    the  way    for  progress   of     animals. At the same time, he could make better
            civilisation.                                           houses and pottery for his use. Thus, this transition
                                                                    resulted into the progress of civilisation.
              CHALCOLITHIC AGE (CIRCA 4000 BC TO 2000 BC)
                                                                    We find traces of the Chalcolithic Age in the
            With the discovery of copper, all people did not        Gangetic valley, Chotanagpur plateau, Brahmagiri
            switch over to metal; rather the transition was         in Karnataka and Navdatoli in Maharashtra.
            gradual. The stone and metal tools were used side
            by side; this fact is proved by the resemblance of             F ind Outind Out
            early stone and metal tools. However, the use of         Find out the important buildings in your city which
            metal came into use in different stages in India. In     are centrally located.
            North India, copper replaced stone as material for
            tools and weapons, and iron came into use much
            later. Therefore, we can say that there was a time       First Cities
            gap between the Copper Age and the Iron Age.            Since earliest times, man lived in groups for the
            However, in South India, the Stone Age was              purposes of company and security. The small
            immediately followed by the Iron Age and copper         villages came up near fields and started to
            did not come into use there.                            gradually grow in size and population. Also, as
                                                                    man had more time at his disposal, he started to
            Bronze was made by mixing copper with tin; this
                                                                    adopt other professions in addition to farming.
            alloy was harder and better to use in tools and
            weapons. Both bronze and copper were used in            Thus, a network of carpenters, workers, smiths,
                                                                    weavers etc. started to come into being. Thus, the
            North India. This age is called the Copper-Stone
                                                                    town culture started to develop. The development
            Age  as both materials were used together.
                                                                    of towns is accepted as the onset of a civilisation.
            As metals are harder and stronger than stone, and
            metallic tools and weapons lasted longer, man           Let us understand what a civilisation is. Its chief
                                                                    characteristics are towns and cities. This means,
            had more time at his disposal, and he could use
            this in other fields. With the discovery of metals,     there is surplus food production due to which
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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