Page 20 - SST Class 06
P. 20
In the beginning, he cut out round slices of
tree trunks and fixed them to his sledge. As AFGHANISTAN Chaligal Burzahom
he experimented with different types of N Sarai Khoto (Srinagar)
A (Islamabad)
faster and stronger wheel, he was able to R C H I N A
I Kite Gul Mohammad T I B E T
make his life easier. Also, he learnt to use Mehrgarh I S TA N
the wheel for other purposes, such as for PA K (Delhi) N E P
spinning cotton and making pottery on a L BHUTAN Sarutaru
(Karachi) Chirand Marakdola
potter's wheel. (Patna) Dooja Hoding
Clothing I N D I A (Kolkata)
Tree leaves and animals' skins were used as (Nagpur)
clothes, but now man also started to grow (Mumbai)
cotton to make cloth. He learnt to spin Utnur Nagarjunakonda BAY
Kodekal OF
cotton into thread and then weave it into Tekkalakoda Maski
Terdal Sanganakallu
Kupgol Palavoy BENGAL
clothes. Hollur Brahmagiri
Narshi Pur
Hemmige (Chennai)
Palyampalli Neolithic Sites (IN DIA) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS
Info Bits
Info Bits ) ( ) Modern Names
It is believed that dog is the first animal to LANKA
have been domesticated. I N D I A N O C E A N
India : Neolithic sites
Quiz Time
As man lived in community, some rules had to be
Fill in the blanks : formed to lead a peaceful life. These rules
1. New Stone Age lasted from about ____________ gradually took the shape of traditions.
to ____________ . The dead were buried with tools, food and other
2. The new concept of growing food resulted into necessary things, as it was believed that they
____________ . needed them for their journey to the next world.
Some excavations have revealed that cremations
3. A ____________ was seen in the type of too took place at some places.
Archaeological Excavations
4. Advancement in knowledge helps man to tread
on the path of ____________ . Archaeological excavations have been undertaken
to unearth evidence of the Neolithic Age. It has
5. The stone pottery was ____________ and
____________ . been revealed that such villages existed in many
parts of the Indian subcontinent, especially in the
Religion and Traditions north-west and north-east. A number of Neolithic
sites have also been found in the south.
Man had learnt to lead a settled life, but he was
still at the disposal of natural forces. Wind, rain
and lightning affected his life greatly. He thought Activity
that the earth was the giver of food and cow was
the giver of milk. He also observed the celestial Mark the following sites on a map of India :
bodies like the sun, the moon and the stars. He 1. Burzahom in Kashmir
started to worship these as he did not understand
these natural phenomena. He thought it was 2. Chirand near Patna
necessary to keep these forces happy in order to 3. Sarutaru near Guwahati
lead a peaceful life. So, he started to worship 4. Chopani Mando in Uttar Pradesh
these natural forces.
Contemporary Social Science-6