Page 15 - SST Class 06
P. 15

In fact, the Mesolithic Age can be called the
                                                                     Jalahalli (near Bengaluru) and Kondapur (in Andhra
            transition period, in which we find the features of      Pradesh) etc.
            both the Early Stone Age and New Stone Age.
                                                                     These sites have been excavated. A large number of
            Activity                                                 stone weapons and tools pertaining to these two
                                                                     ages have been found. A number of stone hand-
            Look at the pictures of stone tools during the
            Paleolithic Age and the Mesolithic Age. Compare          axes, cleavers, scrapers, hovers and knives have
            them. Write your observation in not more than 100        been unearthed. It is also possible that they  had
            words.                                                   started to worship as a stone has been found placed
                                                                     on an altar in a cave. It is also probable that they
                                                                     worshipped the natural forces of sun, moon, wind,
            As you know, landforms play a major role in shaping      rain etc.
            history. Development in the Palaeolithic or
                                                                     As the climate is moderate in the Deccan, Early Man
            Mesolithic Age was severely restricted by the            wore   tree  leaves   to
            geographical features. Interestingly, the remains of
                                                                     cover his body. He lived
            these two ages have been found in almost the
                                                                     in caves as there are a
            whole of Indian subcontinent except the Gangetic         plenty  of   them.   He
            plains. We find the remains at many places in the
                                                                     passed his free time in
            Deccan peninsula, like Adamgarh (on the banks of
                                                                     drawing   and    carving
            Narmada River), Lekhania (located on the Son             animals, group hunting,
            River), Nevasa (located on the Godavari River),
                                                                     dance postures etc.          Mesolithic rock carving

            v The ability to learn and use hands has proved to be the greatest boon for man.
            v Early Man moved in groups, hunted animals and gathered food.
            v Early Man was like a wanderer who moved along rivers and valleys.

            v The Stone Age can be divided into three periods; with time he made better use of his stone tools and

            v Early Man lived in caves where his artistic instincts surfaced in the form of cave art.
            v The discovery of fire changed the life of Early Man a great deal.
            v Most of the Early and Middle Age remains have been found in the Deccan.

            A.   Tick (3) the right option :
                 1.   Early man led the life of ____________ .
                      (a) animals                      (b) swimmer                     (c) hunter-gatherer wanderer
                 2.   The ability to learn and use hands has put man on the path of ____________ .
                      (a) civilization                 (b) progress                    (c) both

                 3.   Hunting and gathering was a way of life in ____________ .
                      (a) Mesolithic Age               (b) Neolithic Age               (c) Paleolithic
                                                                                            The Earliest Societies
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