Page 12 - SST Class 06
P. 12

The Earliest

                                                                                   Societies               2

             q   Stone Age (Paleolithic Age)                        q   Hunting and gathering as a way of life
             q   Introduction to stone tools and their uses         q   Mesolithic Age

                                                                          Info Bits
                                                                          Info Bits
            The ability to learn and use hands has put man on
            the path of civilisation. In the ancient times, he had   The total period of history is divided into four
            to live in groups out of necessity, because he was       ages, which are (1) the Stone Age in which stone
            physically weaker than most of the wild animals and      was the chief material used; (2) the Chalcolithic
            living in groups gave him security. At that time he      Age in which copper was the chief metal; (3) the
            was a hunter-gatherer. That is, he hunted animals        Bronze Age in which bronze became the chief
            and gathered food, so he had to move from one            metal; and (4) the Iron Age that is the present age
            place to another in search of food.                      in which iron is chiefly used in various machines.

            In his endeavour to hunt animals, clean hides and
            pluck fruits, Early Man found stones quite handy. He                         STONE AGE
            could strike animals and plucked fruits with them.      We shall first study the Stone Age. This period has
            Moreover, he could break stones into different          been the longest, so we shall divide it into three
            shapes and he could use these broken stones as          divisions for the convenience of study. These
            tools. The period of the use of stone stretches over    three divisions are—(1) the Paleolithic Age (Early
            a long time, almost 5,00,000 years. This period is      Stone Age), (2) the Mesolithic Age (Middle Stone
            called the Stone Age   because the stone was the        Age) and (3) Neolithic Age (New Stone Age).
            chief tool used.                                        These three divisions have been made on the
                                                                    basis of progress achieved during these periods.
                                                                    These divisions are marked by the use of different
                                                                    types of tools. In the beginning, the stone tools
                                                                    were crude in form, but with time, they became
                                                                    sharper, lighter, smaller and more efficient.

                                                                     Mark at least five places on the map of India where
                                                                     remains of the Stone Age have been found.

                                                                                      PALEOLITHIC AGE
                                                                             (CIRCA 5,00,000 BC TO 10,000 BC)

                                                                    During the Paleolithic Age or Early Stone Age,
                                                                    Early Man led a life similar to animals, with the
                                                                    only difference that he walked on two legs and
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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