Page 13 - SST Class 06
P. 13

INDIA             2. The period of the use of stone stretches
                                                    Sites of Palaeolithic Age
                               Islamabad  (Srinagar)                           over a long time almost ____________
              N  AFGHANISTAN                                                   years.
              A              Sona Valley
              R                                     C  H  I  N  A
                       (Quetta)                                             3. Early Man could break stones into
              I            TA N                        T I B E T
                       PA K I S         (Delhi)  N                             different ____________ .
                                                      L   BHUTAN            4. Early Man moved in groups from one
                                           Mirzapur  Barkoccho  Patna          ____________       to     another     in
                                                  Lekhania                     ____________   of food.
                                    I  N    D   I  A  Birbhanpur
                                      Adamgarh                              5. A    group    comprised    of   a    few
                ARABIAN                                 (Kolkata)  R A AKAN
                                   Nevasa                                      ____________  ,   ____________       and
                  SEA      (Mumbai)
                                                                               ____________  .
                                        Kondapur          BAY
                                                                           Tools and Weapons
                                   Jalahall                       ANDAMAN  The ability to use hands independently
                                                   REFERENCE   I  AND
                                                    Paleolithic Sites  ( NDIA)  NICOBAR  helped Early Man a great deal, as he could
                                                 (    )  Modern Names      use many things as tools and weapons. He
                                                                           could pick up stones and strike animals or
                                                                           pluck fruits with them. Similarly he could
                          I N D I A N           O C E A N
                                                                           use bones, ivory and broken branches and
                              India : Sites of Palaeolithic Age
                                                                          this gave him some edge over animals. He
            could use his two hands for different purposes.         broke stones into pieces and used the stones of
            The chief features of this age can be discussed as      different shapes for different purposes, like
            follows.                                                chopping meat, digging earth in search of roots,
             Hunter-Gatherer                                        striking animals, cleaning animals’ hides etc. As
                                                                    he understood the utility of these tools, he started
            Early Man moved in groups from one place to
                                                                    to shape them in a better manner. The stone tools
            another in search of food. His chief source of food     and weapons in the earliest times were crude in
            was hunting animals and gathering fruits. He            form.
            moved along rivers or valleys. He lived the life of
            a wanderer because it gave him security against
            wild animals. A group comprised of a few men,
            women and children.
            Since he had not discovered fire until then, he ate
            his food raw. He ate whatever he could, like flesh
            of animals and birds, fruits, flower, seeds, roots,
            tubers, nuts etc.

                    Just Think!                                      Shelter    Stone tools from Palaeolithic Age

            How did early humans differentiate between edible       Early Man did not know how to make a shelter for
            and non-edible?                                         himself. So, he lived on trees and in caves. As he
                                                                    moved in search of food from one place to
                Quiz Time                                           another, every approaching evening made it
                                                                    necessary for him to look for some shelter for the
            Fill in the blanks :
                                                                    night. However, he began to realize that shelter
            1. The ability to learn and use hands has put man       protected him from wind, cold, rain and wild
               on the path of ____________   .                      animals.
                                                                                            The Earliest Societies
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