Page 16 - SST Class 06
P. 16
4. ____________ is the longest period of human history.
(a) Stone Age (b) Copper Age (c) Bronze Age
5. ____________ was the major discovery by the Early Man.
(a) cloth (b) fire (d) wheel
6. Early Man had also used some type of stone and wooden pottery to store ____________ .
(a) food (b) water (c) both
7. The stone tools used in the Middle Stone Age became ____________ .
(a) sharper (b) crude (c) none of these
8. The Stone Age was divided by ____________ .
(a) two ages (b) three ages (c) four ages
B. Name any two :
1. of the four ages : (a) _________________ (b) _________________
2. periods of the Stone Age : (a) _________________ (b) _________________
3. things that Early Man used as clothes : (a) _________________ (b) _________________
4. places in the Deccan where remains of the
Stone Age have been found : (a) _________________ (b) _________________
5. tools used by Early Man : (a) _________________ (b) _________________
6. ways of life is Paleolithic Age : (a) _________________ (b) _________________
C. Match the following :
1. Paleolithic Age u u Iron
2. Mesolithic Age u u Copper
3. Neolithic Age u u Bronze
4. Chalcolithic Age u u Middle Stone Age
5. Bronze Age u u New Stone Age
6. Iron Age u u Early Stone Age
D. Fill in the blanks with help from the box :
wanderer-gatherer, Stone Age, Deccan, phenomena, crude, Stone
1. ____________ is called so because the stone was the chief tool used.
2. The ____________ Age stretches over almost 5,00,000 years.
3. The stone tools were ____________ in form in the beginning.
4. Early Man led the life of ____________ .
5. Early Man did not understand natural ____________ .
6. We find many remains of the Stone Age in the ____________ .
E. Answer the questions in one word or phrase :
1. Which is the longest age?
2. What is the other name for the Early Stone Age?
3. When did the Paleolithic Age take place?
4. What material did Early Man use to make his tools?
Contemporary Social Science-6