Page 14 - SST Class 06
P. 14
Clothing that he discovered it. Hitting stones might have
caused sparks and it could have resulted in a fire.
Early Man wore clothes only out of necessity. He
He could find the uses of
used tree leaves and bark to cover his body when
he wanted to save himself from wind or cold. fire instantly. It kept him
warm, lighted his shelter
Sometimes, he used the animals’ hide. It is
believed that he washed and dried it before he and kept the wild animals
used it. In the beginning, he did not wear clothes away. With time, he also
learnt how to roast food,
all the time, but with the passage of time, he
accepted the utility of clothes and he started to which made his food
wear them all the time. softer, tastier and healthier.
Early Man making fire
Art Quiz Time
Early Man was a great artist as we can see from Write True or False :
many wall paintings that have been discovered.
When he was not busy gathering or hunting, he 1. A group comprised of a few men, women and
lived in caves. He carved children. __________
and painted in the rocks, 2. The stone tools and weapons in the earliest
showing his artistic skills. times were crude in form. __________
These carvings and 3. Early Man lived in houses. __________
paintings manifested the
prevailing aspects of life, 4. Early Man accepted the utility of clothes and he
like hunting large started to wear them all the time. __________
animals, food gathering, Cave art 5. Early Man was not a great artist. __________
dancing in groups etc.
Religious Beliefs MESOLITHIC AGE (CIRCA 10,000 BC TO 8000 BC)
We cannot say with certainty about religious and The Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age is a
other beliefs of Early Man. As language had not development over the Early Stone Age. Though
yet developed fully and expression was in its the rate of development was slow, yet it was
primitive form, it is not possible that he had significant. The stone tools used in this age
developed certain beliefs. Still, as he lived in the became sharper, smaller and more efficient. Tools
lap of nature, he might have been frightened by have also been found which were tied or set in
the fury of lightning, thunder, rain and storm, so wood for the convenience of carrying and
he worshipped them as he did not understand the handling. Early Man had started to understand that
natural phenomena. It is also possible that he when a seed was sowed in the ground, it sprouted
worshipped his ancestors. He buried a dead into a plant after some time. He had also used
person with his tools and pottery thinking that he some type of stone and wooden pottery to store
might need them later. food and water.
Info Bits
Info Bits
The stone mostly used in the Deccan was flint,
which is a grey hard stone and it can be easily
broken into different shapes.
Discovery of Fire
It was probably at the end of the Paleolithic Age
that fire was discovered. It might be by chance Stone tools from Mesolithic Age
Contemporary Social Science-6