Page 9 - SST Class 06
P. 9

history to some extent. The specimens found at
                                                                          Info Bits
            Taxila tell us about the Gandhara art and how it              Info Bits
            was influenced by Greece. Similarly, the idols and
            paintings of Shiva, Vishnu, Buddha and Mahavira          q The study of ancient writing and records is
            tell us about religious tolerance in those times.           called palaeography .
            Also, the sculptures, paintings and frescos found at     q The study of inscriptions on rocks, metal plates
            Ajanta have helped us to know more about those              etc. is called epigraphy .

            v The study of history helps us in many ways.
            v No written records are available for prehistory while history is based on facts.

            v Landforms play an important role in shaping history.
            v Literary sources can be divided into religious literature and secular literature.
            v Travellers from different countries have given vivid account of India.
            v Archaeological sources like monuments, coins, inscriptions, paintings, cave art etc. have given us an insight
               into history.

            A.   Tick (3) the right option :
                 1.   The inscriptions in ____________  tell us about the rule of Chandragupta Vikramaditya.
                      (a) Prayagraj                    (b) Sanchi                      (c) Greek
                 2.   From coins, we get information about a country’s ____________  .
                      (a) social conditions            (b) economic conditions         (c) both

                 3.   The ruins at Nalanda reveal to us the ____________  aspect of the society.
                      (a) political                    (b) educational                 (c) social
                 4.   The year of the birth of ____________  is considered as year 0.
                      (a) Jesus Christ                 (b) Buddha                      (c) Mahavira
                 5.   The period of ancient history is considered from earliest times up to about ____________  century.

                      (a) eighteenth                   (b) seventh                     (c) eighth
                 6.   An archaeological source of history is ____________ .
                      (a) inscription                  (b) artifacts                   (c) both (a) and (b)
                 7.   The years after the birth of Jesus Christ are known as ____________ .
                      (a) AC                           (b) BC                          (c) AD
                 8.   The study of ancient writing and records is called ____________ .
                      (a) epigraphy                    (b) palaeography                (c) archaeology

                                                                                   History : When, Where and How
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