Page 6 - SST Class 06
P. 6
these events occurred the way we tell them. There However, there are many valleys and passes in the
may be a difference between reality and our north-western side, so there have been a number
understanding. of invasions from this side since ancient times,
and thus, landforms have played a role in shaping
History on the other hand is based on different
our history. Similarly, the fertile delta formed by
types of evidence, like written records,
the Indus, Ganga, Yamuna and Brahmaputra has
inscriptions on buildings and rocks, dated coins
etc. Therefore, we can say with greater amount of been a source of attraction for all rulers and
invaders, so this region has faced many attacks;
surety that the events in the course of history
occurred the way we understand them. while the Deccan Plateau is a rocky area, so the
invaders found it difficult to control this area.
Just Think!
Info Bits
Info Bits
What is a part of history for which there is no
written record called? ‘Anthropology’ is a subject which studies the
physical evolution of human beings.
BC AND AD Quiz Time
Another way of describing history is by Fill in the blanks :
mentioning the years by BC and AD. BC stands for
‘Before Christ’ and AD stands for ’Anno Domini’. 1. History tells us about the ___________ and
So, the Year of Our Lord (Birth of Jesus progress of ___________ in different fields.
Christ—Year 0) divides the timeframe events that 2. BC stands for ___________ .
occurred before or after this year. The events that 3. Prehistory is quite a matter of ___________ .
occurred before this year are termed as BC and
those that occurred after this year are termed as 4. History is not a simple ___________ of past
AD. Thus, 1980 BC refers to the year that took events in a ___________ order.
place 1980 years before the Year of Our Lord, 5. Brahmaputra has been a source of ___________
while 1980 AD refers to the year that occurred for all rulers and invaders.
1980 years after the Year of Our Lord.
Info Bits The subcontinent of India extends right from the
Info Bits
At present, the term CE (Common Era) and BCE Himalayas in the north and from the Pamir
(Before Common Era) are used in place of AD and plateau in the north-west to the Indian Ocean in
BC. If we add Circa with any date, it means that the south, the Bay of Bengal in the east and the
such a date is an approximate date and is not Arabian Sea in the west. This vast land mass was
exact. one entity and was known as Bharatvarsha , Bharat
or Hindustan in the ancient times. However, at
GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY present, this land mass comprises six countries,
which are India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal,
You have read that landforms play an important Bangladesh and Bhutan. In this book, we shall
role in various manifestations of life, like food, restrict ourselves to the study of the territory that
dress, customs, lifestyle, climate, vegetation, presently lies in India, though references may be
wildlife and so on. When we read history in made to other territories with specific information.
conjunction with geographical situation, it helps
us to understand the perspective better. For SOURCES OF HISTORY
instance, there are high mountains in the north, so
there have not been any invasions from this side. There are numerous sources of history, such as
Contemporary Social Science-6