Page 27 - SST Class 06
P. 27

bronze, lead, tin, silver and gold, but there is no     Toy-making : A number of toys and dolls too have
            evidence to show the use of iron. The Harappan          been found. Their toys include whistles, clay-carts,
            seals have been found at Sumerian sites, and            rattles, marbles and animals.
            Sumerian figures have been unearthed in Harappa,
                                                                    Painting :  We can say that the people liked
            which is enough evidence to prove that long-
            distance trade with other civilisations flourished.     painting because pottery had different types of
                                                                    patterns and designs, including those of animals,
            Arts and Crafts                                         men, women, flowers, trees, leaves and other

            A number of statues, seals, figurines etc. have         things.
            been excavated from different sites. This shows         Carving :  The seals found have been carved with
            that the people in the Harappan civilisation            figures of animals, which are remarkable in
            practised several arts and crafts, like sculpture,      nature. The figures of animals are quite realistic.
            jewellery, pottery, painting, toy-making etc., and
            many of them practised them as their professions.       Activity
                                                                     On an outline map of South Asia, mark the sites of
                 Info Bits                                           the Indus valley civilisation.
                 Info Bits
            The word ‘Mohenjodaro’ is a Sindhi word which
            means ‘the mound of the dead’, while the word           The historians and archaeologists have attached a
            ‘Harappan’ in Sindhi means ‘the food of Shiva’.         great significance to the large number of seals that
                                                                    were found there, their number exceeding 2,000.
            Sculpture :  The excavated statues include those of     These seals were clay-tablets used for stamping
            bull, watch-dog, dancing girl with a hand on the        goods. They have been recovered from different
            hip, a bust of yogi wearing a shawl and a dancer        sites of the Harappan civilisation. They are made
            standing on the right leg with the left leg raised      of different materials, like glazed earthenware,
            up. These show that they were quite proficient in       ivory etc. These seals have been of much
            the art of sculpture.                                   importance in drawing inferences about this
                                                                    civilisation. They tell us about their religion,
                                                                    society and commercial activities. An important
                                                                    aspect of these seals is the script carved on them.
                                                                    It is possible that the script on these seals will help
                                                                    to decipher the Harappan script.
              Harappan     Harappan     Harappan     Statue of
               figuriens     seals        yogi      Dancing Girl        Quiz Time
            Jewellery :   The Harappan people produced
            wonderful pieces of jewellery                            Fill in the blanks :
            made of gold, silver, bronze                             1. The discovery of ____________ greatly helped
            and stones. This includes                                   man in different fields, as in ____________ and
            amulets,   necklaces,   finger-                             agriculture.
            rings, earrings, girdles etc. It                         2. The most important buildings in the citadel
            appears that both men and                                   were ____________.
            women wore jewellery.             Harappan jewellery
                                                                     3. The economic and social ____________ of the
            Pottery :  Beautiful pieces of                              people are varied.
            coloured and glazed pottery
                                                                     4. The raised or upper part was called the
            were produced. The glazed
            pottery    made      by    the
            Harappan civilization is the                             5. The main street at Mohenjodaro was about
            earliest of its kind.             Harappan pottery          ____________ long and ____________ wide.
                                                                                                      First Cities
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