Page 165 - SST Class 06
P. 165

The Government

                                                                          and Suffrage                  25

             q   Need for government                                q   Difference between state and government
             q   Organs of government                               q   Franchise

            Introduction                                            These players will represent their respective
                                                                    classes. The government is just like this.
            Every country needs a government to get the things
            done in an organised manner. Government is a
                                                                          Info Bits
            body that governs, makes laws and has the power               Info Bits
            to enforce these laws. It makes and implements
            various rules and principals that help in running the    The word government comes from the Latin word
            country smoothly. People participate in the              guber are which means to steer a ship or to guide.
            government by electing their representatives who        The government is a representative body of the
            work on their behalf which is the essential aspect of   people. We have diverse needs—food, shelter,
            governance in the modern polity.                        transport, electricity, medical treatment, security
                                                                    and many more. We cannot meet all these needs
                          NEED FOR GOVERNMENT                       ourselves. We can grow food ourselves, but we
                                                                    need land for this. If we want a food grown in a
            The first question is : Why do we need a                distant part, we need transport. All of us cannot
                                                                    arrange transport. An individual cannot construct
            Your group of 20 friends is planning a picnic. You      roads and railways himself. An individual cannot
            are the organiser. Now you make a list of the           produce electricity for his house. An individual
            things that have to be done—buying foods,               cannot construct a hospital for himself. Moreover,
            arranging utensils, planning games and arranging        we need to defend ourselves from any crimes
            things, arranging transport etc. Now, you assign        within the country and from external aggression
            two friends for buying foods, two for arranging         by enemy country. All these needs require
            utensils, two for planning games, two for               collective effort. We as individuals cannot arrange
            arranging transport and so on. You can see that         these things. All these things are done by the
            you have not used all of your friends. Even on the      government, which acts in the representative
            picnic day, all of your friends                         capacity of the people.
            do not need to work. Some
            will clean the area, some will                            DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STATE AND GOVERNMENT
            cook food and others will
                                                                    India is divided into 28
            play and enjoy themselves.                              provinces or states. These
            Thus, only some of them
                                                                    are parts of the country.
            work as representatives for                             However, in civics, the word
            the entire group.
                                                                    ‘country’ is called ‘state’. So,
            Let us take another example. Class VI and Class         now when we say ‘state’, we
            VII are playing a cricket match. Will all students of   shall mean the country.           A crowded street
            these two classes play? No, only some of them.
                                                                                    The Government and Suffrage
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