Page 167 - SST Class 06
P. 167

4. The   executive   comprises   of   __________  ,
                 Info Bits                                              __________   and other staff __________ .
                 Info Bits

            The President is the head of the state and the           5. __________   is the most important component
            Prime Minister is the head of the central                   of a state.
            government. In the states, the governor is the           Awkwardness of Decision-making and
            head of the state and the chief minister is the          Participation
            head of government.
                                                                    The    mechanism      of    decision-making     and
             Decision-making and Participation
                                                                    participation is a democratic process. It was put in
            The legislature is a representative body, the           place to ensure that the legislators will look after
            members of which are elected by the people in           the welfare of the people. However, many people
            elections from time to time. It is we, the people,      vote with some selfish interests in mind; for
            who have given these members authority to make          example, on caste basis, on religious basis, on
            laws on our behalf. This is the reason that the         regional basis etc. The legislators thus elected try
            Preamble to the Constitution opens with these           to look after the interests of the group which
            lines : “WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA...”.                   elected them, and forget the well-being of all
                                                                    people. Thus, when a railway minister belongs to
            The members make laws and formulate policy on
            our behalf. They are elected for a limited time.        particular state, he tries to introduce maximum
                                                                    trains in that state; and when a law minister
            The members of the Lok Sabha and state
            assemblies are elected for a five-year term, while      belongs to a certain caste, he tries to make laws
            the members of the Rajya Sabha are elected for a        favourable to that caste.
            six-year term. Similarly, at the local level, the       At the time of independence, some classes of
            members are elected for three to five years.            people were deprived and downtrodden. So,
                                                                    reservations were introduced for these classes for
            If the people think that these members are not
                                                                    different posts in order to help them. In the
            working properly, they elect new representatives
            in their place. Thus, the ultimate power rests with     beginning, the reservations were meant only for
            the people.                                             ten years, but they have been extended from time
                                                                    to time and they continue to exist. Ideally, those
            Thus,   participation   of  the   people    in  the     classes of people should be excluded from this
            government is ensured with the mechanism of             reservation which have already been benefited
            elections. The people express their will by casting     and, in their place, other deprived classes should
            their votes.                                            be included which have not been benefited. But,
                                                                    this is not done in view of dirty caste-politics.
                  F ind Outind Out                                  Also, merit is sacrificed for admission to an
                                                                    educational course in many cases, in which a
            How does a democratic government works for the          student with mere 35 percent marks is admitted
            welfare of the people?                                  over a student with 80 percent marks, only
                                                                    because he belongs to a reserved category. All this
                Quiz Time                                           has led to corruption. Now, corruption is a serious
            Fill in the blanks :                                    problem which is hindering our progress.

            1. The members make laws and __________      policy             Just Think!
               on our behalf.
            2. Territory is the total earth’s __________  which      How should we protest against the decisions of
               is under a particular __________ .                    government?
            3. The Parliament has made a law that __________
               is a crime.
                                                                                    The Government and Suffrage
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