Page 166 - SST Class 06
P. 166

The    state  has    four   components—territory,
            population, government and sovereignty.

            Territory is the total earth’s surface which is under
            a particular state. It comprises of mountains,
            deserts, plains, plateaus, rivers and seas.
            Population                                                   Parliament of India    State assembly of Lucknow

            All people residing in a state form its population.     Executive
            A territory which has no population cannot be a         The laws which a legislature makes, are enforced
            state; for example, Antarctica is not a state
                                                                    by the executive. The executive comprises of
            because nobody lives there.
                                                                    ministers, officers and other staff members. There
            Government                                              are many ministries and departments under the
                                                                    executive. For example, the Ministry of Defence is
            Government is a representative body of the
                                                                    headed by the Minister of
            people which formulates, expresses and executes         Defence. He is assisted by a
            the collective will of the people.
                                                                    large number of officers and
            Sovereignty                                             other staff members. The
                                                                    army, navy and air force are
            This is the most important component of a state.
                                                                    departments which protect
            This means that a state has the supreme authority
            in all matters under its control. That is, it can       the state from any external         A policeman
            make laws and enforce them in the state.

            Thus, you can see that the relationship between         Judiciary
            government and state is that of part and whole.         If the legislature makes a law which is contrary to
                                                                    the provisions of the Constitution, then the
                         ORGANS OF GOVERNMENT                       judiciary can strike it down. Thus, the judiciary
                                                                    interprets the law. The
            The government has to perform a large number of
                                                                    Parliament has made a
            things. Also, it has to be ensured that the
                                                                    law that theft is a crime.
            government     does    not    become     autocratic.
            Therefore, the government is divided into three         If Ankur steals Mohan's
                                                                    gold ring and Mohan
            organs so that one organ controls another.
                                                                    reports it to the police,
            The three organs of the government are—                 then the judiciary will
            legislature, executive and judiciary.                   punish Ankur if it finds      Supreme Court of India

            Legislature                                             him guilty.
            You must have seen elections. In them, people            Relationship among Legislature, Executive
            elect their representatives for different legislatures.   and Judiciary
            These representatives are elected for a limited         These three organs of government are interrelated.
            term.   There   are   three   tiers  or  levels   of    Each of them complements the work of the other
            legislatures—Parliament    at  the   centre;   State    two. For example, the legislature makes a law that
            assemblies at the states (provinces) and local self-    all people earning more than `500000 will pay
            government in cities/towns/villages.     The chief      income tax; the executive will collect tax through
            function of these legislatures is to make laws. The     its income tax department; and the judiciary
            laws should be as per the provisions and spirit of      punishes a person who ought to pay income tax
            the Constitution of India.                              but fails to pay it.

                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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