Page 161 - SST Class 06
P. 161
(c) Equality of Opportunity : Article 16 declares Cultural and Educational Rights
that the State shall not practise any kind of
discrimination against any citizens on grounds of Recognising diversity of people of different
religion, caste, race, sex, descent, place of birth or classes, this right has been given. Article 29
guarantees the people to conserve their language,
residence. It also provides for reservation for
employment for any backward class of citizens. script or culture and prohibits any kind of
discrimination against such people. Article 30
(d) Abolition of Untouchability : You have read allows all religious and linguistic minorities to
that the members of certain castes were treated as establish and administer their educational
untouchables. Article 17 abolishes untouchability institutions. It also instructs the government to not
in any form and makes it a punishable offence. discriminate against any such group.
(e) Abolition of Titles : Article 18 declares that the Quiz Time
government of India cannot award any titles, other
than educational and military titles, to the people Write which Fundamental Right has been
of India. Also, a citizen of India cannot accept any infringed in the following cases :
title conferred by a foreign government without 1. Ramdin has not been allowed to enter a bathing
prior permission of the President of India. ghat _________
Right to Freedom 2. Saran was detained by the police and was not
allowed the services of an advocate _________
Articles 19 to 22 deal with the right to freedom. It
gives freedom of speech, freedom of expression, 3. Kishor has been made to do begar for his
freedom of movement within the territory of India, landlord _________
freedom to assemble peacefully, and freedom to 4. Salman, a 13-year-old boy, works in a cracker
practise any occupation. It also ensures protection factory _________
of life and personal liberty. No person can be
detained by the police without any sufficient 5. A religious minority has not been allowed to
cause and he has to be given an opportunity to be establish a school _________
defended by a lawyer of his choice. 6. Religious instruction is given in a state-aided
Right Against Exploitation school _________
Article 23 prohibits any kind of sale and purchase Right to Constitutional Remedies
of human beings, begar or forced labour of any
This is the most important
kind. Article 24 says that no child below the age
of 14 years can be employed to work in any right. Dr. Bhimrao
factory or mine or any other hazardous Ambedkar , the Chairman
of the Drafting
Committee, said, “It
Right to Freedom of Religion (Article 32, 32-A) is the
India is a secular state, that is, there is no state very soul of the
religion. But all citizens have the freedom to Constitution and the very
practise any faith or religion. Articles 25 to 27 give heart of it .” All other Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
this right. Article 28 prohibits any kind of religious rights are meaningless if
instruction in any educational institution wholly or there is not a right to get them enforced. By this
partly maintained by the state. Every religious right under Article 32 and 32-A, a person can
group is given the freedom to manage its religious approach the court of law if any of his rights is
matters of its own. Also, it can own, acquire and infringed by any government authority or any
administer its property. Thus, all religions are private person. Thus, the court is the protector and
given equal respect and protection. guarantor of the Fundamental Rights.