Page 160 - SST Class 06
P. 160

Quiz Time                                           aptitudes and attitudes. It means that equal status
                                                                    and opportunity will be given to all people. Thus,
            Fill in the blanks :
                                                                    all people are given equal rights.
            1. All Indians have one ___________   .
                                                                                   FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS
            2. ___________    may exist at different levels.
            3. A farmer and a shopkeeper are ___________            In order to ensure equality and diversity of all
               but not ___________   .                              people, the Constitution of India has made other
                                                                    provisions also. The Fundamental Rights are the
            4. Our ___________    respects diversity of different   most important of them.
                                                                    The Constitution of India gives six Fundamental
            5. The people of the so-called lower castes are         Rights to the citizens. These are the basic rights
               often ___________   against.
                                                                    which    every   citizen  of   India   enjoys.   No
                                                                    government authority or person can deprive any
             Provisions for Diversity and Equality of
                                                                    citizen of these rights. These are :
                                                                    1.  Right to equality,
            The Constitution of India ensures that no
            discrimination is practised on grounds of religion,     2.  Right to freedom,
            region, language, caste, community, gender etc. It      3.  Right against exploitation,
            is necessary for the government that it respects
            diversity of people and deal with all people            4.  Right to freedom of religion,
            without any discrimination. For this purpose, the       5.  Cultural and educational rights, and
            Constitution   makes     suitable  provisions.   Its
            Preamble says :                                         6.  Right to constitutional remedies.
                                                                    We shall discuss these rights very briefly :
                        “WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA,
             having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a     Right to Equality
               SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR, DEMOCRATIC            The right to equality has been provided in Articles
                                 REPUBLIC,                          14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the Constitution. These
                                                                    Articles provide the following :
                      and to secure to all its citizens;
                                                                    (a) Equality Before the Law :   Article 14 says that
                  JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
                                                                    the State shall not deny to any person equality
              LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and     before the law or equal protection of the law. No
                                  worship;                          person can be discriminated against.
                    EQUALITY of status and opportunity;             (b) Prohibition of Discrimination :      Article 15
                                                                    declares that the State shall not discriminate
                and to promote among them all FRATERNITY
             assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity   against any citizen on grounds only of religion,
                        and integrity of the Nation;                race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.
                                                                    Also, a citizen cannot be denied access to shops,
             IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth          public restaurants, wells, tanks, bathing ghats,
                          day of November, 1949,
                                                                    roads and places of public resort maintained
             do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES           wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to
                           THIS CONSTITUTION.”                      the use of general public. This Article also makes
                                                                    special   provisions    for   the    socially   and
            The Constitution clearly says that all citizens will
            be given equality of status and opportunity. It does    educationally backward classes of citizens or for
                                                                    the members of the Scheduled Castes and the
            not mean that all people are equal because all
            people   have    varying   abilities,  potentialities,  Scheduled Tribes.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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