Page 159 - SST Class 06
P. 159
Discrimination may exist at different levels. It can
posts in the army or air force, it is not
be found even in our homes. We can see that the discrimination; however, if they are not selected
girl-child is often discriminated against—in for the posts in which they can be selected but are
clothes, in food, in education etc.
not selected only on ground of being women, it is
Outside the home, a person or group may be discrimination. This type of discrimination must
discriminated against on different grounds, some be abolished.
of which are as follows :
Caste Collect newspaper reports on discrimination and
Some people think that some castes are higher opperession faced by Dalits in India.
than others. The people of the so-called lower
castes are often discriminated against. They are MERIT AND DISCRIMINATION
not allowed to enter temples or draw water from Everybody cannot become a pilot or an engineer;
the community well. Sometimes they are not
everybody has certain aptitude and attitude. A
allowed to live in a certain area or buy things from
person can be a good player but not a good
certain shops. This type of discrimination must be dancer; and another can be a better singer than a
finished with.
runner. This is diversity. So, when a person is
selected on the ground of his merit, it is not
Info Bits discrimination. Similarly, when a student with
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more marks is selected for admission to a certain
The people of lower castes are considered course, it is not discrimination, because it is based
untouchables by some people. Gandhiji called them on merit.
the people of God.
When a person is not allowed to enter a park or is
not selected for a particular post only because of The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
his religion, it is discrimination. This type of All rules and laws are made keeping in its spirit,
discrimination must be eradicated. also the country is governed as per this. Any law
or act of the government which is contrary to the
provisions or spirit of the Constitution is invalid.
If somebody is discriminated against only on
Our Constitution respects diversity of different
ground that he speaks a particular language, then
it is not being fair. This type of discrimination people. It seeks to abolish
any type of inequality,
must be set aside.
prejudice and discrimination.
Region It says that the government
All Indians have one citizenship; that is, all should protect different
Indians can settle in any part of India and do any people from inequality and
work of their choice. However, if a person is discrimination, which may
discriminated against only because he does not result in exploitation. Rashtrapati Bhavan
belong to that region, then it is not being fair. This
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type of discrimination must be eliminated. Info Bits
The Constitution of India is the largest
When a person is not selected to a particular post Constitution of the world. It was adopted on 26
only because he is a man or a woman, then it is November, 1949 and it came into effect on 26
discrimination. Women are not selected in certain January, 1950.