Page 155 - SST Class 06
P. 155

Diversity and Interdependence                          different identities in the same house. Then the
                                                                    society is very large; it is natural for him to have
            In order to meet our diverse needs, it is essential
            that people are diverse. We have to depend on a         many more identities. Outside the four walls of
            farmer for food, on a doctor for medicines, on a        the house, an individual becomes a friend, a
                                                                    professional, a member of a club, a citizen of the
            tailor for clothes, on a writer for books, on a
            teacher for education and so on. One person             country. And his basic identity is that he is an
            cannot do all these things, so we have to be            Indian.
            dependent on others directly or indirectly.
            Normally we do not go to a farmer directly to buy                  INDIAN : FIRST AND FOREMOST
            grain or vegetables. We buy it from the market,         All of us are Indians first and foremost; only then
            but we are certainly dependent on him. Similarly,       we can be boy / girl, son / daughter / father /
            other people are dependent on us directly or            mother, Hindu / Muslim / Sikh / Christian, Bengali
            indirectly.                                             / Tamilian / Gujarati / Kashmiri, doctor /
                                                                    shopkeeper / tailor / farmer or anybody else.
             Diverse Identities of an Individual
                                                                    The fact of our being Indian reveals the underlying
            The   moment     a   child   is  born,   he/she   is
            son/daughter to parents, grandson/granddaughter         unity that binds all of we Indians together. We are
                                                                    strong when we are united. We can progress
            to grandparents, brother/sister to brothers/sisters
            and so on. But the basic identity is that he/she is a   when we are united. We can be safe when we are
                                                                    united. History is witness that the invaders
            child. In the same way, your father is a husband,
                                                                    plundered us only when we were not united. We
            brother, son : all at the same time; and his basic
            identity is man. So is your mother whose basic          may have diversities and differences, yet we have
                                                                    to stand united and prove ourselves to be true
            identity is woman.
            You can see that one and the same individual has

            v There is underlying diversity in all aspects of life though they may look different outwardly.
            v Even similar things are done differently by different people.

            v We can observe diversity in different aspects of life, like dresses, foods, houses, occupations, religions etc.
            v Diversity is essential in life.
            v We can find diversity in India in different fields—physical features, races, religions, cultures, dresses, foods,
               customs, traditions etc.
            v Diversity and interdependence are the two sides of the same coin.
            v We are Indians first and anybody else afterwards.

            A.   Tick (3) the right option :

                 1.   India is famous for ____________ .
                      (a) unity                        (b) diversity                   (c) unity in diversity

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