Page 151 - SST Class 06
P. 151
Civics Diversity 23
q Need for diversity q Doing similar things differently
q Unity in diversity in India q India : first and foremost
Introduction cook but not clean the house—life would become
quite monotonous and indifferent.
In India, we find the people of varied religion,
culture, custom and tradition. Diversities are found A person has to learn different skills in order to
everywhere in India. People living in different parts make his life lively and interesting—he has to
of the country speak different languages, follow learn how to read and write; he has to learn how
different religions, celebrate different religious to ride a bicycle or scooter; he has to learn how to
festivals. We find diversity in all walks of our social keep healthy; he has to learn how to wear clothes
life. The members of same family have different and eat food; he has to learn how to earn money;
tastes, skills and physical features. A large number he has to learn how to use computers and other
of India’s population live in villages. They lead a life appliances; he has to learn how to defend himself;
close to nature and the people living in cities lead a he has to learn how to behave with others—all
highly civilised life. Despite of all these diversities these and many more skills can make him a
we belong to one nation. There is a unity that binds perfect individual.
the whole nation together that is called unity in Diversity is a part and parcel of life. Life without it
diversity. will be uninteresting and lifeless.
Diversity is essential in all aspects of life. Suppose
all people wore the same types of clothes, ate
same types of food, constructed same types of
houses and did the same types of jobs. Life will be
quite monotonous then. This is the reason that
diversity is needed. Soldier Pilot Doctor
Diversity is needed even in the same job. If all
singers sang the same types of songs, all actors
acted in the same manner, all doctors treated in
the same manner and shopkeepers sold the same
types of things, all teachers taught the same
subject—life would become monotonous. Tailor Carpenter Farmer
Different occupations
Diversity is needed even in the same individual. If
a doctor knew only to treat the sick but did not Activity
know how to use a television; if a child knew only Make a chart showing examples of unity in
to play but not read; if a woman knew only to diversity in India. Paste some pictures to make it