Page 149 - SST Class 06
P. 149

C.   Match the following :
                 1.   Natural vegetation             u       u   A place marked for giving natural habitat to wildlife.

                 2.   Deciduous forests              u       u   A place marked for giving natural habitat to animals and

                 3.   Thorny forests                 u       u   Vegetation found in high altitudes.
                 4.   Coniferous or mountain forests u       u   Trees,  shrubs   and   grasses   growing   in   natural
                 4.   National park                  u       u   The trees shedding leaves at one time of the year.
                 5.   Wildlife sanctuary             u       u   The trees with small leaves and sharp spines.

            D.   Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false :
                 1.   We can divide vegetation in India into four types.
                 2.   The places along roads and railways are ideal places for plantation of trees.

                 3.   The important deciduous trees are sal, teak, bamboo etc.
                 4.   A coniferous tree has conical leaves.
                 5.   Conservation of wildlife is not important.
                 6.  The Wildlife Week is observed in the first week of August.

            E.   Fill in the blanks with the help from the help box :
                                saline, evergreen forest, one-fifth, deciduous, thorny, available space

                 1.   About ____________    of India’s land is covered by forest.
                 2.   ____________   are also called rainforest.
                 3.   A ____________   tree sheds all its leaves at one time every year.
                 4.   ____________   can survive in saline water.
                 5.   We can find ____________   forest in Rajasthan.

                 6.   You should plant tree on every ____________ .
            F.   Answer in one word or phrase :

                 1.   What is another name for tropical evergreen forests?
                 2.   What is another name for mangrove forests?
                 3.   Where can we find coniferous forests?
                 4.   What movement was started by Sundarlal Bahuguna?

                 5.   What activities are banned in a national park?
                 6.   When is the Wildlife Week observed?

            G.   Answer the questions in brief :
                 1.   What is natural vegetation?
                 2.  What is Van Mahotsav?
                 3.  Where can we find tidal forests in India?
                 4.  How varied is vegetation in the Himalayas?

                 5.  What can we done to conserve forests?
                 6.  What steps have been taken to conserve wildlife in India?
                                                                             India : Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
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