Page 145 - SST Class 06
P. 145

India : Natural

                                                       Vegetation and Wildlife                          22

             q   Types of forests                                   q   Conservation of forests
             q   Wildlife in India                                  q   Conservation of wildlife

                                                                     A F G H A N I S T A N
            India is a land of diversities. We find diversities in
            culture, custom, religion, language and physical
            features of India. You have already studied about
            the diverse relief or physical features and the
            climate of India. Such a diversity can be seen in         P A K I S T A N
            natural vegetation and wildlife of India too.                                      N E  P A L
                           NATURAL VEGETATION

            Natural vegetation is the forest cover that grows
            naturally, without human interference. About one-
            fifth of India’s land is covered by forests. India
            possesses a large variety of natural vegetation          A R A B I A N  S E A            B AY  O F  B E N G A L
            because of various kinds of climate, soil and relief.
            In India, natural vegetation can be broadly divided
            into five major divisions—tropical evergreen                                            Tropical rainforests
                                                                                                    Tropical deciduous forests
            forests, tropical deciduous forests, tidal forests,                                     Thorn forests
                                                                                                    Mangrove forests
            thorny forests and coniferous forests.                                                  Mountain forests

                 Info Bits                                                       I N D I A N  S R I  O C E A N
                 Info Bits
                                                                                          L A N K A
                                                                                    India : Natural vegetation
            At present, about 21 percent of the total area of
            our country is under some form of vegetation.           can find evergreen forests in the Western Ghats
            Ideally, it should be more than 33 percent.             and north-eastern hilly regions.

             Tropical Evergreen Forests                              Tropical Deciduous Forests
            These are also called rainforests . These are found     Deciduous forests are found in the areas with
            in the areas with heavy                                 moderate       rainfall.    A
            rainfall. An evergreen forest                           deciduous tree sheds all its
            remains green throughout                                leaves at one time every
            the year. That is, the trees do                         year.     The      important
            not shed all their leaves at                            deciduous trees are sal, teak,
            one time. The important                                 sandalwood,         bamboo,
            trees in them are rosewood,                             mahua,      sheesham      and
            mahogany, ebony etc. We          An evergreen forest    sakhu. We find these forests      A deciduous forest
                                                                             India : Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
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