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P. 146

indirectly. They give us oxygen, medicines, food,
            in the Eastern Ghats, foot-hills of the Himalayas,
            Odisha, Assam and West Bengal.                          fuel, rubber and other things. Besides, they help to
                                                                    protect our environment. They bind the soil and
             Tidal Forests                                          thus prevent soil erosion. A forest is also a natural
            These are also called mangrove                          habitat for a wide variety of animals, birds and
            forests . These can survive in                          insects.
            saline water. We can find tidal                         Ideally, one-third of the total land area should be
            forests near the sea coasts in the                      under forests. However in India, only about one-
            deltas formed by rivers. The                            fourth of the land is under forests. Large scale
            sea-tides help in the growth of                         deforestation causes many problems. India is
            these trees. We find these                              making effort to plant more trees and conserve the
            forests in West Bengal where          A tidal forest    existing   trees.  The    government     runs   Van
            the Ganga and the Brahmaputra have formed the           Mahotsavs   in order to plant more trees. Many
            delta named Sundarbans   . The important tree here      social organisations are also helping in this cause.
            is sundri, after which this delta has been named.       The Chipko Movement       was started by Sundarlal

                                                                    Bahuguna     in   1974.    This   movement      was
                    Just Think!                                     characterised by hugging of trees by the people so
                                                                    as not to allow them to be cut down.
            How are forests important your us?
                                                                    You should plant trees on every available space.
             Thorny Forests                                         They protect the environment and make the place
                                                                    healthy and pleasant. The places along roads and
            Thorny forests are found in areas with scanty
            rainfall. We can find these forests in Rajasthan.       railways are ideal places for plantation of trees as
            The important trees in these                            they absorb the pollution caused by vehicles. You
                                                                    should also grow some plants in pots or other
            forests  are   keekar,   babool,
            cactus, date-palm, prickly pear                         available space around your house.
            besides   other    bushes    and
            shrubs. We can also find this
            type of vegetation in some parts
            of Punjab, Haryana, Western          A throny forest
            Ghats and Gujarat.

            Coniferous Forests
            These are also called mountain forests  . These are           Chipko movement         People planting trees
            found in the Himalayas. Their types vary
            according to the height. We find deciduous forests                       WILDLIFE IN INDIA
            in the lower altitudes of the Himalayas; but in the
            higher    reaches,    we     find                       India’s  wildlife   is  equally    diverse,  which
            coniferous     forests    which                         comprises animals, birds, insects, fishes and
            comprise the trees of cedar,                            reptiles. Many of these species are peculiar to
            chir, fir, pine and deodar. A                           India, such as swamp deer, four-horned antelope,
            coniferous   tree  has   conical                        Kashmir     stag,   chital,   nilgai,   one-horned
            leaves which do not allow the                           rhinoceros, Indian lion, Indian bison and many
            snow to settle on them.            A coniferous forest  more.
                        CONSERVATION OF FORESTS
                                                                     On the map of India, mark any five national parks
            Our life is dependent on trees directly or
                                                                     and wildlife sanctuaries.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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