Page 141 - SST Class 06
P. 141
very hot due to hot wind called loo and production depends on it. Timely arrival of the
Mawsynram in Meghalaya experiences heavy monsoon is very essential. Early arrival of
rains due to the monsoon winds rising from the monsoon results in floods, while late arrival
Bay of Bengal. results in droughts, while the timely arrival of
monsoon is very beneficial for crops. This is the
Just Think! reason that we can often hear people and
newspapers talk about monsoons.
What is the impact of climate on plant life? The monsoon winds rise in the Indian Ocean and
are divided into two branches. The monsoon
CYCLE OF SEASONS winds rising from the Arabian Sea bring rain to the
The four chief seasons in India are : western coastal areas and move further to the
north. Rain from this branch reduces from south to
1. Cold or winter season : December to February north.
2. Hot or summer season : March to May The monsoon winds rising from the Bay of Bengal
3. South-west monsoon or rainy season : June to strike the Bengal coast and move towards
September Meghalaya, where they are deflected towards the
north due to high Himalayas. Rain from this
4. Season of retreating monsoon : October to
branch reduces from east to north.
Season of Retreating Monsoon
Info Bits
Info Bits After the monsoon winds have exhausted
themselves of water, they tend to move from the
The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic word mainland to the sea. The winds are less humid,
‘mausim’ which means ‘season’. the climate changes from hot to dry cold season.
We shall study these seasons in a little detail. This season is called the season of retreating
monsoon. South India experiences rainfall during
this season. As these winds pass from north-
The sunrays do not fall directly in this region, due western India towards the Bay of Bengal, cyclones
to which the temperature is low in North India, are caused in Bengal and Odisha.
while it remains somewhat warm in South India. Quiz Time
The winds blow from north to south. When these
winds blow over the Bay of Bengal, they are Fill in the blanks :
moistened and bring rain to the coastal areas of 1. The winds blow from ___________ to south.
Tamil Nadu.
2. The interior and central parts experience a
Summer ___________ type of climate.
The sunrays fall directly in this region, due to 3. The southern half lies in the ___________ zone.
which the temperature is high. Hot and dry winds, 4. Meghalaya receives heavy ___________ .
called loo, blow over North India. The pre-
monsoon winds blow from the Arabian Sea, 5. The pre-monsoon winds blow from the
which cause rain in Kerala and western coastal ___________ Sea.
areas. These rains are called mango showers as 6. Hot and dry winds, called loo, blow over
they ripen the mango crop. ___________ during summer.
Season of South-West Monsoon
F ind Outind Out
Also called the rainy season, this season is very
important as more than three-fourth of rain in Why is monsoon considered both blessing and a
India is caused in this season. The crop curse?
India : Climate