Page 162 - SST Class 06
P. 162

DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY              development. An important provision for children
                                                                    is that the government has to provide free and
            You have read that the Fundamental Rights can be        compulsory education up to the age of 14 years. It
            enforced by the court; however, the Constitution
                                                                    is a matter of happiness that the government is
            of India provides for certain goals called Directive    taking steps to enforce this Directive Principle.
            Principles of State Policy which cannot be
            enforced by any court of law. The purpose of
                                                                          Info Bits
            these is to direct the government to administer in            Info Bits
            such a manner that these goals can be met. These
            Directive Principles are dealt from Articles 36 to       The government has passed the Right to Education
            51. Their goal is to raise the standard of living of     act, by which all children of our country between 6
            people, give them protection of all types and to         and 14 years of age are eligible to get free and
            give them adequate opportunity for growth and            compulsory education.

            v Diversity and inequality should not be confused with one another.
            v Prejudice is mere dislike while discrimination is unfairness.
            v No person should be discriminated against on any ground, like caste, religion, language, region, sex etc.

            v Merit and discrimination are two different things.
            v The Constitution of India respects diversity and equality and makes suitable provisions.
            v The citizens of India have been given six Fundamental Rights, the most important of which is the right to
               constitutional remedies.
            v The Directive Principles of State Policy have been included in the Constitution in order to direct the
               government how it should attain the noble goals.

            A.   Tick (3) the right option :
                 1.   The caste system is based on ____________  .
                      (a) varna                        (b) occupation                  (c) economic status
                 2.   Diversity is in ____________  sense.

                      (a) positive                     (b) negative                    (c) none of these
                 3.   Articles ____________  give the right to freedom of religion.
                      (a) 21 to 23                     (b) 24 to 26                    (c) 25 to 27
                 4.   When a student is selected to a course of study on the basis of high marks he scored, it shows
                      ____________  .
                      (a) discrimination               (b) prejudice                   (c) merit
                 5.   Today, untouchability is a ____________ .
                      (a) common practice              (b) punishable offence          (c) popular sentiment

                 6.   The Constitution of India gives ____________  Fundamentals Rights to the citizens.
                      (a) six                          (b) seven                       (c) five
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